Letter to Trump about Paris Accord

Hello Mr. Trump,

I understand what you’re trying to say, but I disagree. But I know that you are entitled to you wrong opinion, and I hope this letter persuades you to do the right thing.

First of all, temperature, and sea levels have risen severely in the past decade, and yet you decide to call global warming a hoax created by the Chinese to ruin your economy? Even China has decided to to develop wind and solar powered projects and power plants, and they’re the #1 source of pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. But, your country is right behind them and is the second biggest provider of greenhouse gas emissions, and you decide to leave the Paris Accord that could singlehandedly save your country. The fact that almost 200 countries around the world have signed this agreement, should open your eyes and make you realize that America is in trouble.

Secondly, do you have any idea about the impact this is making on the citizens of your country? When their ‘leader’ decides to bail out of a monumental worldwide agreement for saving the world, your citizens will have the same mindset as you. When their leader thinks that global warming isn’t an issue, neither will they. Climate change is mainly from the people, and when they aren’t motivated to start lowering their power, water, gas, and heat usage, then you’ve really done something wrong. Even your staff, and your own daughter advise you to stay in this agreement. You need to be a good role model and prove to the people of your country, that climate change is worth fighting for. Your children, and their children could possibly live in an overheated, water risen country, on the verge of disaster, thanks to you and your ignorant decision.

And lastly, the impact you’re doing for the world. If you think that you backing out of the agreement wouldn’t do any harm, think again. Since you’re the world’s second largest producer of greenhouse gases, right behind the country that you thought made up global warming, (who also is combatting against climate change, learn something from them) billions, and billions of carbon dioxide would be produced just because of your ‘harmless action’. Ice will melt, water will rise, and the world will be damaged, piece by piece, faster than ever before.

So Mr. Trump, I hope you realize that you’ve made an unacceptable decision for your country. But you know what, I could have been wrong this whole time! The economy is way more important than half of your population needing to flee your country, the produce industry being ruined, and your country falling apart. Maybe I was wrong! Learn something from this, your tiny decision that ‘couldn’t make an impact’, is more drastic than you think.

~ Kalen