Nasal Cancer – Mutation Story


The making of the cancer story

Some of the questions I needed to research were: ‘What happened to you as a gene’, ‘What cause your mutation’, ‘What effects does nasal cancer have on your host’s body’, ‘How was the host affected, what is their story’, and ‘How is nasal cancer treated’.

When researching for this project I used Google. I found very factual sources, like the official website for cancer research in Canada, and a government funded website in the US, for medical research. It took a while to find some information on this cancer, since it’s a very rare cancer, and there is not much information.

It took a while to look for information on this cancer, I spent a while reading articles, and facts about nasal cancer, before choosing the right websites to get my information from.

For verifying I checked if the website seemed real or not, like we did in school. Since multiple websites had the same information, it should be true. I also asked for my mom to ask my grandparents, since they are surgeons. They gave me most of my information, and it was very helpful. I also added citations in the bottom of this post, using the citation machine.

The overall process of this post was pretty challenging, but easy at the same time. I used a lot of new resources to find information, like the Riverside Digital Library. It took a while to find the right information about this rare cancer, but I looked at the criteria to make sure what I was posting was correct. I think my story explained the cancer pretty well, but it was a bit difficult since there wasn’t much information on the cancer. Thanks to my grandparents, I added some more information that I couldn’t find online.


Medicine, National Library of. “Nasal Cancer | Paranasal Sinuses | MedlinePlus.”MedlinePlus Trusted Health Information for You. National Cancer Institute, 10 May 2016. Web. 18 June 2017.

Society, Canadian Cancer. “Symptoms of Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinus Cancer – Canadian Cancer.” Canadian Cancer Society, 13 Nov. 2014. Web. 18 June 2017.

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