Blue prints/brainstorm of our project
A: The phone vibrates down the ramp hitting a marble that s on a stop that turns potential energy into kenetic a energy as it goes down a ramp hitting a lever.
B: A marble hits the bottom the lever witch hits the car above.
C: The car travels down a ramp over the chair falling in a basket.
D: The car fals in the basket lifting a lever that is blocking a large marble.
E: The marble is re-elected and rolls down a woden path.
F: The marble falls on the mouse trap witch lets the flag go.
G: The weights on the other side of the tower drag the flag up.(raising the flag)
1 section A when potential energy turns into kenetick energy with the marble.
2 section C-D when kenetic energy turns into more kenetic energy with the lever
3 section f the mouse trap uses elastic energy and is set off using kenetic energy
Video of project