English 11 Reflections

This year in English 11 I got a better understand of different identities. Coming into this semester I didn’t really believe in personal identity and didn’t really know what mine was, but after the identity unit I now realize that everyone has their own identity that they should be proud of.  A new skill I learned was how to use colons and semi colons in sentences. I did’t enjoy the Fahrenheit 451 unit too much as the book never really grabbed me and I often found it confusing to follow. I also found the movie Dead Poets Society to be a little bit boring but it was still worth the watch because the movie has a good meaning.

Synthesis Essay Corrections

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2 things I am proud of:

I am proud of my introduction to my synthesis essay. I think that I had a strong thesis statement and provided a good amount of background information. I am also proud of how I compared the 2 sources because I feel like I showed their similarities well.

2 things I could improve:

I think that my conclusion was a little weak and my ending could be better. I think that I need to extend a go to a larger meaning a bit more. I also think that I need to improve my quote integration a bit more.

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