How Things Work Project

Electricity: 3-D Model

How Things Work

Ji Kim


Assignment: Create a 3-D model of the topic you have chosen. It may be made out of popsicle sticks, paper mache, Lego, software such as SketchUp etc. Label the parts and provide a written explanation of the following questions. Using at least three educational sources, research your topic and answer the following questions.

Topic : Tidal Barrage

  • What problem is your topic trying to solve?

Making the electricity by using the tidal power. The tidal energy is the renewal energy, so we can use everytime. The tide is always happening in the sea, so it is useful.


  • Form and Function: What are its main parts and what do the parts do? How does it use or generate electricity? How do electrons move through it?

1) Turbine – moved by the water. This moving sends an energy to the electric power station.

2) Tidal barrage – it is a wall that blocks the water.

3) Generator – it changes the tidal power that from the turbine to the electricity.

4) Electricity power station – sends the electricity to the city.

When the water comes to the turbine, it spins, so the power from the turbine is changed to the electricity by the generator. The electricity power station sends the electricity to the city.


  • What are the social implications? (How might people be affected?) Consider less developed countries and locations with different climates or geography.


  1. If the countries do not have the sea, they cannot use it because it uses the tidal energy that only works in the sea.
  2. It can ruin someone’s place because the sea can be someone’s place. It takes a long time to make.


  1. If the countries have the sea, it makes useful power.
  2. It makes new jobs because someone has to control it.


  • What are the environmental implications? (How does it affects the natural world?)


  1. It blocks the flood or big waves from the sea.
  2. It is renewal energy, so it is not risky to the earth.
  3. The around of place that makes the tidal barrage becomes a better place because they can provide the electricity near cities, so near cities will be developed.


  1. It damages the natural ecosystem because it blocks fish’s routes.
  2. It causes the water pollution because it forces to block the water’s moving.
  3. It needs a lot of money to make.


  • Are there ethical implications? If so, what are they? (What is morally right or wrong?)
  • Yes, there are. It is not ethical to nature. It destroys people’s habitats and nature habitats. This is morally wrong. However, It is ethical to nature other way because it uses the renewal energy, so it saves the earth.
  • What are its weaknesses?
  • Only able to use at the sea that has a big different tide. It needs a long time to build.
  • Given these weaknesses, is it a satisfactory solution to the problem it is trying to solve?
  • No, it is not.

A ballad & Analysis

Fake love by Drake

Yeah, yeah

I’ve been down so long it look like up to me
They look up to me
I got fake people showin’ fake love to me
Straight up to my face, straight up to my face
I’ve been down so long it look like up to me
They look up to me
I got fake people showin’ fake love to me
Straight up to my face, straight up to my face

Somethin’ ain’t right when we talkin’
Somethin’ ain’t right when we talkin’
Look like you hidin’ your problems
Really you never was solid
No you can’t son me, you won’t never get to run me
Just when shit look, outta reach, I reach back like one, three
Like one, three, yeah

That’s when they smile in my face
Whole time they wanna take my place
Whole time they wanna take my place
Whole time they wanna take my place
Yeah, I know they wanna take my place
I can tell that love is fake
I don’t trust a word you say
How you wanna click up after your mistakes?
Look you in the face and it’s just not the same

I’ve been down so long it look like up to me
They look up to me
I got fake people showin’ fake love to me
Straight up to my face, straight up to my face
I’ve been down so long it look like up to me
They look up to me
I got fake people showin’ fake love to me
Straight up to my face, straight up to my face

Yeah, straight up to my face, tryna play it safe
Vibe switch like night and day, I can see it like right away
I came up, you changed up, I caught that whole play
Since then, things never been the same

That’s when they smile in my face
Whole time they wanna take my place
Whole time they wanna take my place
Whole time they wanna take my place
Yeah, I know they wanna take my place
I can tell that love is fake
(I can tell that love is fake)
I don’t trust a word you say
(I don’t trust a word you say)
How you wanna click up after your mistakes?
(How you wanna click up after your mistakes?)
Look you in the face and it’s just not the same

I’ve been down so long it look like up to me
They look up to me
I got fake people showin’ fake love to me
Straight up to my face, straight up to my face
I’ve been down so long it look like up to me
They look up to me
I got fake people showin’ fake love to me
Straight up to my face, straight up to my face


It is about people’s inside thought or emotion that he felt and experienced. He is popular, but he thinks people are showing fake of them to him.

Collaboration fluency – Pop can race

Group Members

  • Ji
  • Jack
  • Tanaya

We tried to use a special method to win the race. We knew that the most of groups were going to use static electricity. We kept thinking what can we make a special method with given materials. Our method was using a plastic wrap to roll the can. We thought it is a great idea, but it was risky to roll. We did not think about risky part, so we lost the race, but we enjoyed to do. Our communication was going well because we did not argue much, we agreed each other and trust each other. If we thought about the risk of our method, we would win the race.

The elders are watching

  • “We do not inherit the land from our ancestors, we borrow the land from our children”
  • How does this quote relate to how we use electricity in our every day lives?
  • This quote says that the land are our children’s. It relates to how we use electricity in our every day lives. Electricity is important in our lives as the land, so it means that we borrow the electricity from our children as we borrow the land from our children.

The sanctuary

The sanctuary

The ending of the sanctuary is the happy ending because shan’s grandmother died at shan’s grandmother’s house. She kept to say that she wants to die at her house. If she died at shan’s family’s house, her family would regret to not listen her wish and her grandmother would be sad. Also, there was many memories in her house, so she did not want to be far away from them. Normally, people do not like to be far away from their hometown. They miss their home when they are far away from their home. Especially, she had a strong homesick. She had left her house only three times before. It is why she missed her house more, even though her family cared about her and loved her. The ending of the story is made by her grandmother’s emotion. When she died, her emotion was happy, so the ending of the story is the happy ending.


EAL Paragraph writing

Keesh’s characteristic.

           Reading Keesh’s story, it is clear to know why he rose to power and became the leader of his people. Keesh was a brave, clever, and thoughtful young guy. Firstly, his brave character is seen at the scene of a council meeting because he stood up to the people and exposed an unfair of dividing foods. Normally, young boys have difficulty standing up to and exposing unfair adults who take the power. This is why he is brave. Also, he said “I shall never speak in this council again- not until you come to me and say, ‘Keesh, we want you to speak.’” After all this happened, he went to hunt bears himself. He was only thirteen years old, but he hunted many of them. Secondly, he saved people from starving by dividing food fairly. Before he divided foods, hunters divided food unfairly. Also, he dealt with people who got foods from him that he needed a big house for his mother. Typically, young boys is not thoughtful than adults, so they are cared by parents or adults, but he cared his mom and people. It shows how thoughtful he is.  Lastly, his method of hunting and his word which he shall never talk with them shows how he is clever because he hunted many bears than adult hunters, so people did not believe his hunting. They said he has a magic. They wanted him to prove his hunting method, but before he said, he did not want to go to talk with them. He wanted them to come his house, if they wanted to talk with him. It shows how he used his power cleverly because it shows now they should obey his word. His method of hunting was using a sharp piece of whalebone into the hollow and the bear swallowed it. The bear was getting sick, and then he caught it. This method is unbelievable because any adult could not think about it. They always went as a team, but they were difficult to hunt it. That is why he rose to power and became the leader of his people. If he was not brave, clever, and thoughtful, he would not become the leader and people was still starved.

Science App Review


Science App Review



To find an app that can help to study the Science class. For example, if you do not understand about the Science class, so you think you need some help to study. In the internet, we have many apps about the Science. We can use those things for studying.


  • What kind of apps are prepared for the Science class in the internet?
  • What informations do I need in an app?
  • How can I get an app?
  • How can I review an app?



  • I want to be able to get some helps from this app.
  • I want to be able to learn something that I have never done.



I could not find that much good apps than my expectation. (My expectation of the internet might be high.) BUT it has many apps in the internet. I used some keywords to find out apps such as “Grade 9 science”, or “Science Apps”.



I decided to go with Video Science because it has many kinds of fun experiment, so I can find some experiments that we do in the science class, and understand easily. Also, videos’ length are short, so it is easy to see. I can watch these videos for fun in free time. This app has various way to use, so I like it.


This is an icon of an app.

video science app에 대한 이미지 검색결과

These are categories.

These are episodes.

This is a start of video.

He is a guy who shows experiments.

Conclusion: Many students of our class likes to study by visual. I am also studying by visual. It has great visuals, so it is useful app for the students. It has various categories of experiments, so it has fun.



If my writing skill was better, I could have written what I want to say, but it was my limit, so I have to improve my writing skills.