Science App Review


Science App Review



To find an app that can help to study the Science class. For example, if you do not understand about the Science class, so you think you need some help to study. In the internet, we have many apps about the Science. We can use those things for studying.


  • What kind of apps are prepared for the Science class in the internet?
  • What informations do I need in an app?
  • How can I get an app?
  • How can I review an app?



  • I want to be able to get some helps from this app.
  • I want to be able to learn something that I have never done.



I could not find that much good apps than my expectation. (My expectation of the internet might be high.) BUT it has many apps in the internet. I used some keywords to find out apps such as “Grade 9 science”, or “Science Apps”.



I decided to go with Video Science because it has many kinds of fun experiment, so I can find some experiments that we do in the science class, and understand easily. Also, videos’ length are short, so it is easy to see. I can watch these videos for fun in free time. This app has various way to use, so I like it.


This is an icon of an app.

video science app에 대한 이미지 검색결과

These are categories.

These are episodes.

This is a start of video.

He is a guy who shows experiments.

Conclusion: Many students of our class likes to study by visual. I am also studying by visual. It has great visuals, so it is useful app for the students. It has various categories of experiments, so it has fun.



If my writing skill was better, I could have written what I want to say, but it was my limit, so I have to improve my writing skills.