Comparing & Contrasting the giving tree and Tim Thomas in “7 Pounds”

A Will Smith’s character is altruistic because he gives seven new lives to seven people. He gives his house, his heart, his eyes, his kidney, his one of lungs, parts of his liver and his bone marrow. Even though, he killed 7 people by his fault, he wanted to be forgiven by giving away his body parts and his house away. Purpose of being altruistic is little different with his purpose, but he realized his fault and he lived for other people.

Similarities and differences of Tim Thomas and the giving tree.

Similarities Differences
  1. They give away their parts of body.
1. The giving tree’s purpose of giving was because she loves him, but Tim Thomas’ purpose of giving was because he killed 7 people, so he thought giving away his parts of body to save other 7 people is the way to get forgiven.
2. They have their own purpose to give away their parts of body. 2. Number of people that they give. The giving tree has only boy, but Tim has 7 people.
3. They sacrificed them. 3. Emotions after giving away

Although the character of Ben, in “Seven Pounds,” differs from the giving tree, he is also similar in many ways which shows he is altruistic. First similarity is that they both gave away their parts of body. The giving tree gave away her branches, trunk, apples and place. Tim Thomas gave away his house, his heart, his kidney, his one of lungs, his bone marrow and parts of his liver. Second similarity is that they sacrificed their lives. The tree sacrificed her shape and Tim sacrificed his life. Sacrificing is difficult to do, but they did because of reasons. It shows how they are altruistic. Third similarity is that they had their own purposes and reasons to give away their parts of body. Their purposes and reasons are the one of differences of them. The tree’s purpose to give away was because she loved him, so she wanted to give everything to him, but Tim’s purpose was because he wanted to give away his parts of body to get forgiven. Second difference is that number of people who they received from the tree and Tim. The tree gave only boy, but Tim gave 7 people. Third difference is that emotion after giving away. The tree was happy after giving him her place, but Tim was not happy as the tree, he was sad when he died. In conclusion, they have similarities and differences, but they both are altruistic because they lived for other people.

Personal Poem Assignment

Becoming a Man

I am a blind

Like a lost kid

I can’t find

My place where to bid

I want my life

But I’m with consideration

Yeah I’m on a station

where thoughts are rife

Try try try to over them

But they beat me, I whine

I am a patient stem

In the storm for the sun shine

I am still alive

So I can bear until

My dreams be shining still

keep patience and strive

This picture means that the light comes my life and dreams.

The type of poem I have written is a lyric poem.

My dreams and my life are my inspiration and motivation.

My theme is how I live for my life and dream.

My rhyme scheme is abab cddc efef ghhg

Reason why I used rhyme is fun to use, so I used it.

I am a blind like a lost kid = Simile

Station where thoughts are rife = Imagery

 I am a patient stem = Metaphor

It is pretty straight poem, so It may be easy to understand.

How Things Work Project

Electricity: 3-D Model

How Things Work

Ji Kim


Assignment: Create a 3-D model of the topic you have chosen. It may be made out of popsicle sticks, paper mache, Lego, software such as SketchUp etc. Label the parts and provide a written explanation of the following questions. Using at least three educational sources, research your topic and answer the following questions.

Topic : Tidal Barrage

  • What problem is your topic trying to solve?

Making the electricity by using the tidal power. The tidal energy is the renewal energy, so we can use everytime. The tide is always happening in the sea, so it is useful.


  • Form and Function: What are its main parts and what do the parts do? How does it use or generate electricity? How do electrons move through it?

1) Turbine – moved by the water. This moving sends an energy to the electric power station.

2) Tidal barrage – it is a wall that blocks the water.

3) Generator – it changes the tidal power that from the turbine to the electricity.

4) Electricity power station – sends the electricity to the city.

When the water comes to the turbine, it spins, so the power from the turbine is changed to the electricity by the generator. The electricity power station sends the electricity to the city.


  • What are the social implications? (How might people be affected?) Consider less developed countries and locations with different climates or geography.


  1. If the countries do not have the sea, they cannot use it because it uses the tidal energy that only works in the sea.
  2. It can ruin someone’s place because the sea can be someone’s place. It takes a long time to make.


  1. If the countries have the sea, it makes useful power.
  2. It makes new jobs because someone has to control it.


  • What are the environmental implications? (How does it affects the natural world?)


  1. It blocks the flood or big waves from the sea.
  2. It is renewal energy, so it is not risky to the earth.
  3. The around of place that makes the tidal barrage becomes a better place because they can provide the electricity near cities, so near cities will be developed.


  1. It damages the natural ecosystem because it blocks fish’s routes.
  2. It causes the water pollution because it forces to block the water’s moving.
  3. It needs a lot of money to make.


  • Are there ethical implications? If so, what are they? (What is morally right or wrong?)
  • Yes, there are. It is not ethical to nature. It destroys people’s habitats and nature habitats. This is morally wrong. However, It is ethical to nature other way because it uses the renewal energy, so it saves the earth.
  • What are its weaknesses?
  • Only able to use at the sea that has a big different tide. It needs a long time to build.
  • Given these weaknesses, is it a satisfactory solution to the problem it is trying to solve?
  • No, it is not.