EAL Paragraph writing

Keesh’s characteristic.

           Reading Keesh’s story, it is clear to know why he rose to power and became the leader of his people. Keesh was a brave, clever, and thoughtful young guy. Firstly, his brave character is seen at the scene of a council meeting because he stood up to the people and exposed an unfair of dividing foods. Normally, young boys have difficulty standing up to and exposing unfair adults who take the power. This is why he is brave. Also, he said “I shall never speak in this council again- not until you come to me and say, ‘Keesh, we want you to speak.’” After all this happened, he went to hunt bears himself. He was only thirteen years old, but he hunted many of them. Secondly, he saved people from starving by dividing food fairly. Before he divided foods, hunters divided food unfairly. Also, he dealt with people who got foods from him that he needed a big house for his mother. Typically, young boys is not thoughtful than adults, so they are cared by parents or adults, but he cared his mom and people. It shows how thoughtful he is.  Lastly, his method of hunting and his word which he shall never talk with them shows how he is clever because he hunted many bears than adult hunters, so people did not believe his hunting. They said he has a magic. They wanted him to prove his hunting method, but before he said, he did not want to go to talk with them. He wanted them to come his house, if they wanted to talk with him. It shows how he used his power cleverly because it shows now they should obey his word. His method of hunting was using a sharp piece of whalebone into the hollow and the bear swallowed it. The bear was getting sick, and then he caught it. This method is unbelievable because any adult could not think about it. They always went as a team, but they were difficult to hunt it. That is why he rose to power and became the leader of his people. If he was not brave, clever, and thoughtful, he would not become the leader and people was still starved.

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