This spot in the gym is where I felt intense fear. This was the exact same spot that I had a collision with another player and got a mild concussion. I was really confused at first then I opened my eyes and I see the ceiling, I quickly got up and made sure the other student was okay.

After that, I sat out because my jaw started hurting. This is the spot where I sat out. My coach approached me and made sure I was okay and told me to massage my jaw. Few minutes later, I asked where I was, what happened and why was I sitting out, my coach got worried and took me to the PE office. I was really confused, scared, and was full of fear. I thought that I was going to lose all my memories about my family, friends and everything. It was a scary experience and it was the very first time I felt intense fear.

One thought on “Fear”

  1. That is scary!! Have you revisited the gym and played again? You will have to overcome this fear now.

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