Cells Size Lab

What was the most effective size cube you tested? The most effective cube that my group used was the 1x1x1 cube. As you can see the smallest cube turned pink all the way through compared to the others? 2. Why was that size effective at maximizing diffusion? What are the important factors that affect how…

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Translation and Transcription Blog Post

           TRANSLATION  Describe the process of translation: initiation, elongation and termination In the process of translation, the ribosomes synthesizes (makes) proteins. It also translates the code that was delivered by the mRNA to a polypeptide. Initiation : This is the process of when the ribosome, that is located in the cytoplasm,…

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DNA Replication Blog Post

When does DNA replication occur? DNA replication occurs before the mitosis stage because in mitosis the cells split therefore it cannot replicate. Specifically, DNA replication occurs in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells.     Name and describe the 3 steps involved in DNA replication. Why does the process occur differently on the “leading” and “lagging”…

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