My experience so far in the Engendering Brightness Project has been very inspiring in ways that make your day, ways that make you feel good and ways that make you also sad. This project is definitely another experience of a life time, like the SSEP.
The Skype chat we had with Eladio and Dennis was very moving. It was incredible to view their lives compared to ours. When hearing about the Paid Slavery I wasn’t surprised, yet still shocked. I am not and never will be for Child Slavery. They told our class that there have been many fire’s caused by candle’s as that is their only source of light. That is when I knew we needed to help.
I got with my group after our Skype calls and discussed what we could do to help, I was big on fundraising as, you need money to get supplies before you start constructing the actual lights to possibly send to the Dominican. So, I partnered, originally with Alhan because I knew she was interested in the making of the lights so, I thought great I will fundraise the money for her to create the lights.
After thinking for awhile I thought wouldn’t it be much better to get more people involved in our plan, she agreed. So, we then found three others to work with for ourselves. Zac, Josh and Ben are with Alhan. Ashiana, Alyah, Marwa and I are together fundraising.
We finally resulted in a PhotoBooth for pour fundraising, here is a picture of our #1 fan!…
I am excited to see where this goes! Thanks Mr.Robinson.
Hi Jayden,
Your post starts off with a very positive impact and draws you in right away. You definitely know how to capture an audience! I would have possibly liked to see a few more details within your post about the Skype chats, but other than that your post was very well thought out. You showed clearly how you started and all of your achievements so far! It’s cool how you are collaborating with another group, and I can’t wait to see what else you and your group achieve.
Thank you very much Janna G!:) You will defiantly see more from my group keep y9our eyes open!