Energy production

Electric cars

  • How do they work
    • They store energy in rechargeable batteries that power the electric motor that all electric cars have they all have a electric motor and use a charging stations or a wall outlet to charge it because it runs on electricity.
  • What is the difference between them and gaz cars and are they really better for the planet?
      • They all gave a electric motor instead of an internal combustion engine which is better for the earth, because it doesn’t emit any exhaust for the tail pipe


This graph show many this about both of the cars, their are two for each car one is max at the site i found (link)  the other is min. left is minimum and right is max it says under each one.

  • How easy is it to charge your car outside of your home


It is fairly easy to find a charging station around your house

Dear mr trudeau,

I would like to make a suggestion, the way that this earth is becoming polluted is crazy and it is like as a species we are slowly killing the planet. I have a suggestion on how we can help to stop pollution in the long term. There are 34 million cars in canada and every day when someone goes on a drive they are pollution the earth a little bit more, so i am suggestion that price of gaz in raised and the price of electric cars in canada is lowered. to make more and more people get electric cars because they are better for the planet. During this quarantine the pollution rates have gone down and i can’t help but this that its because less and less people and driving around in their gas cars. For every 57 metric tons of emissions that a gasoline car puts off a electric car only put of about 28, if everyone got a electric car instead of a gas car the the metric tons of emissions from cars would be slept in half and that would help with so much. Some other great thing about electric cars is that they make a lot less noise. I also think that there should be more charging stations in accessible places. The amount of charging station is overall okay but if more and more people start to get electric cars they’re will be a lager battle for spots and that will start to happen sooner rather than later because more and more people and buying electric over gaz because they are better for the environment. 

– Jayden Armstrong 




One thought on “Energy production

  1. Well done, Jayden. You’ve discussed the benefits of electric vehicles, the importance of reducing emissions, and, after identifying that the price may be a deterent, you’ve asked Prime Minister Trudeau to consider lowering (or subsidizing) the cost of buying an electric vehicle.

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