Culture Comparé 12 – Réflexion

Est-ce que l’information, les expériences et les idées explorés dans ce cours a enrichi ton vocabulaire français ? Exemples. 

Je dirait que oui, il y avait beaucoup de different temps qu’on a écouté au films et video qui était en Français. Cela m’a aider a développer les compétences de Français. Il y avait souvent les sous-titre et par écouté au video en Français et lire le texte au meme temps ca m’a aider a développer comment je pouvait penser en Français. J’ai aussi pu développé mes compétences de penser en Français. A cause du façon que les classe on été fait j’ai du penser et écrire en Français. Quand on a pris les notes pendant la class j’ai du penser et écrire en Français vitement.

Avec qui as-tu partagé l’information et les idées acquis dans ce cours ? Dans quels contextes ?  

 Oui, j’ai partager souvent avec mon père. Il aime beaucoup l’histoire alors prendre cette classe m’ai aider a parler avec lui sur cet sujet. Cela m’a aider a former une meilleur relation avec mon père. J’ai aussi partager quelques des chose qu’on a parler avec mes ami dan les conversation normals ou avec les autres membres de mon famille. Les information que j’ai appris pendant cette cours m’ont aussi aidé dans plusieurs des conversation avec les adultes ou ils parlaient des chose culturelles. 

Compétence de réflexion

Pensée critique 

      Est-ce que ce cours vous a aidé à mieux comprendre le concept « culture » ? Expliquez. 

Oui, il a surtout aide avec cela. Je pense que avant cette cours je n’était pas complètement sur ce que Culture voulait dire. C’est une grande term et je ne savait pas ce qu’il impliquait. Je sais maintenant que ca veut dire, l”histoire, le gouvernement, les loi, le technologie, les inventions, les fetes et celebrations, le religion, et beaucoup des autres chose. Comme je pensait une culture est une grande chose. Il y a beaucoup de significance dans les different aspect des different cultures.

Pensée créatrice 

      Est-ce que ce cours a stimulé vos passions ou votre curiosité ? Lesquelles ? Comment ? 

Oui, il m’a aider beaucoup a meilleur comprendre plus sur le culture Japonaise et je veux encore savoir plus. Je suis japonaise et je sais presque rien sur mon propre culture alors l’unité ou on a parler du Culture Japonaise était le raison donc j’ai pris cette cours. Je veux savoir beaucoup plus sur le culture japonais et peut-être après l’université je vais apporter mon grand-mère la avec moi en Japon. Elle est jamais aller et nous deux sont vraiment curieux du culture moderne en Japon.

  • Compétence personnelle et sociale

Est-ce que ce cours a contribué (ou pas) à l’amélioration de votre tolérance culturelle ? Expliquez.  

Je dirait que j’était vraiment tolerable les different culture avant mais je dirait que je les comprends beaucoup plus maintenant. Je ne vais pas demandé les question qui pourrait être insensitive. Je pense que je respect plus les different culture maintenant. Parce que je les comprends mieux je comprends pourquoi les personnes non certain different chose.

Comment ce cours t’a aidé à clarifier ta propre identité, à mieux te comprendre ? 

Je pense qu’il y a encore beaucoup plus que j’ai besoin d’apprendre sur moi meme mais jai beaucoup plus compris on histoire. Mon famille a demander en Canada avec le deuxième guerre mondial et ma grand-mère ne sait rien de Japon. Je voulais savoir plus sur notre culture parce que personnes dans mon famille peut l’expliquer a moi. Pendant le section du culture Japonaise j’ai compris plus de cette partis de mon vie. Je ne vais jamais me faire tatouer au cas où je voudrais aller au japon.


Protein Synthesis

In Anatomy and physiology 12 we conducted a Lab on Protein synthesis and the steps used during the process. Going thought each step needed and using our hands to help us through the process. Learning hands on step by step the way DNA replication works.

In the first steps off the lab we went over transcription:

The unzipping of DNA followed by the complimentary base pairing. The pairing between the pyrimidines, cytosine and thymine and purines, adenine and guanine. We were given a stand of DNA and we created the complimentary bases by pairing Adenine with Thymine and Cytosine with Guanine.

As we started our Lab we only had one half of a DNA helix so we skipped the step of unwinding the DNA.

The green and Blue piece on the end of each piece are the Phosphate and deoxyribose. The ones connecting them in the middle are the Pyrimidines and Purines which all have different colours for each one. Adenine is the baby blue polygon, guanine is the robin’s egg blue polygon, thymine is the yellow hexagon, and cytosine is the beige hexagon. The hydrogen bonds between Adenine and Thymine are double bonds and the H-bonds between Guanine and Cytosine are triple bonds.



After the complimentary side is paired with the existing strand the bonds break apart so that the replication process can begin. To break apart the bonds in the DNA a protein known as helicase attaches to the bond and breaks the h-bonds between the basses on DNA strands. Helicase is represented by the scissors.

As the DNA begins its replication, the separation of H-bonds is still occurring. Along with the creation of new H-bonds between Purines and pyrimidines. Duplicating the DNA by creating a replica of the old DNA helix.



After the H-bonds are made the peptide bonds between the purines/pyrimidines, phosphates and deoxyribose are formed


As the unzipping of the H-bonds continue the formation of other H-bonds take place effectively duplicating the DNA helix. Once it is duplicated the Helix will be used to form and mRNA to send DNA’s message.




Half of the duplicated DNA’s will be used in this process, as the hydrogen bonds break again we add in the mRNA which can copy DNA’s message and that’s why it’s messenger RNA.

When the mRNA gets to the cytoplasm and starts the process of finding the amino acids that correspond with each three letter codon. As methionine goes with AUG all the corresponding letters have amino acids which are corresponding to them.

This is called the initiation of translation. In translation the mRNA translates its message into an amino acid sequence. It reads the message from the mRNA in sections of three letters and gets its amino acid from those letters. The anticodon are in use to form these amino acid chains because of the tRNA. tRNA is crucial t teh formation of amino acid chains. Each tRNA has one Anticodon and one amino acid. (the green pieces in the picture are tRNA) Without tRNA we wouldn’t be able to make amino acid chains.

A protein is in the process of being made when the amino acids start to form their chains. The amino acid chain’s become polypeptide chains and later become proteins.










– In what ways did your models accurately reflect the process? 

Our models were accurate and were very helpful in helping us develop our learning in the process of protein synthesis. The lab where we went over the process of translation showed how the amino acids and anticodon were involved in the make of proteins. I think we did a good job at showing what was happening during each step, i can understand what is happening by just observing the pictures we took. We also took a lot of picture through out the process so the step by step process we took is visible. The DNA translation is very easy to understand, is accurate and is feel organized. I think the way we  modelled DNA translation steps was very simple and easy to understand. 

– In what ways did your model misrepresent the process? 

I don’t think our models were the most accurate and it took us a while and some help from others at times to figure out which direction we were supposed to be headed with our model. At the end I think everything turned out okay but we definitely made some mistake as we completed the assignment. We didn’t complete the translation steps quite properly at first but luckily we went back and fixed them. 

– What changes could be made to the modelling activities to make them better represent the actual process? 

I think one mistake that my group made was just having our model so close together and during a couple steps we ran out of space and had to squish things together which didn’t make it look tidy or professional. It also makes it harder to understand everything tats going on, although you can still see what’s happening it makes it more difficult having something that isn’t quite as clear.

Models are commonly used to communicate scientific concepts to non-scientific audiences. Do you think this is an effective way to educate the public about science?

Yes, I absolutely believe that showing nonscientists scientific information through models is helpful. Non-scientists often aren’t seeking out scientific information, because of that using models or things that grab peoples attention are very helpful in conveying important points. A lot of the public eye today has a short attention span so to catch their attention you need to put out images or visuals that are going to catch their eye and surprised them or make them think. models are easy for everyone to understand, scientists use them because they work at helping them convey their points. Often science is also based off statistics and/or math with are very good thing to show in models. Contrasting to math dn statistics models can also be used in classes where to need to be looking a pictures and classifying. Models are an easy way in many different settings that people can convey points in a universal language.

Humanities Literary Studies 11 Post

The Humanities are crucial for a formed society

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Should English degree be more recognized as a versatile and important degree for a formed society? I think that an English degree is incredibly versatile and in a very useful degree in many ways since it is so transferable. It is also very helpful for everyday life and that as a society we should value much more. As Mandy Pipher stated in her article Devaluing a humanities education ultimately devalues humanity itself “These skills are fundamental, not only to the development of an individual human mind and to our capacity for forming deep and varied relationships with one another, but also to the continued functioning of a democratic society.” Pipher said this quote to show the value of an English degree contrasted to what people tend to think.  She is reenforcing he previous statement and showing how people under appreciate these degrees even though they are one of the most versatile and valuable degree out there. Today English degrees are way more valuable than people think. Everybody needs to be able to tell fake news from real news and if as a society we can get better at that then the media will continue to control what we see and how we think. In the video the dead poets society: Why we (don’t) study the humanities the narrator and video creator Margarita G states “Studying beautiful texts simply for one own personal growth and enjoyment”. She makes this statement while talking about how literature is portrayed in the world, she says that its being seen from a negative and positive viewpoint. People today seem to think that only if you enjoy reading, you’ll be good at English but there are so many aspects where different people are good at English you might not like reading but you might love writing or even just getting a better general knowledge that can help you in the real world. English can help people and so many ways, English is something anyone can shine in. These two quotes together show the balance and contrast of how the English degree is perceived from an inside and outside point of view. Some people see it as something that’s “a youthful self-indulgence” which Pipher stated that it was how people around her has perceived the degree it be since she came from a socio-cultural environment. People who only think of an English degree as directly translating into becoming a writer often think this way. In reality it’s so much more than a youthful self-indulgence it’s honestly one of the most important areas of study that people go into, it helps separate reality from fantasy. When you look into what the best areas to go into in university it’ll often say engineering and other science-based majors and they aren’t wrong but often people forget how valuable and important English majors are. It’s an incredibly important major not just in the versatility of the degree but also in the crucially for a formed and intelligent society.

Combination Circuit Assignment Self Reflection

In Physics 11, we filled out a circuit assignment in our class in groups of four. This assignment was a combination circuit practice where we further our understanding of how these circuits work. We filled out our worksheet during class time, we found out what the velocity and current was in different places of the combination circuit. Here you can see my work for the assignment and my relaxation on how i think the assignment went.

Work from physics 11

In the woods

Armadillidiidae’s also known as a roly-poly due to the fact that it can roll into a ball when its disturbed. The Armadillidiidae lives under logs, fallen or rocks, so the thrive in environments like forests. They are often confused for sowbugs which look very similar. They were introduced from Europe and can be found all over the world as a cosmopolitan species. It can roll into a ball when it is disturbed so it can protect itself. Armadillidiidae’s only live for two years and are nocturnal.

Dandelions are an invasive species that you can find in lots of peoples lawns and in a lot of forests. It is an invasive species so it is very hard to get rid off but if you dig up the dandelions and make sure you get the roots out then you can kill them. To get rid off the dandelions without digging them up you can also use some special product like Scotts® Weed B Gon® MAX. Dandelions are a pain for everyone ever since the french introduced them to Canada helping the plant to move across the continent. They will grow just about everywhere, because it can grow in any types of soil, but they grow the best in rich soil. Dandelions will push out grass and other plants, as well as taking nutrients away from surrounding plants.