Solution fluency- Fresh look at the periodic table


We have been chosen by the science community to create a new periodic table.  Our task is to create a new periodic table that is easier to understand, and is represented it in a new way.


  • What is still needed on the periodic table?
  • How should we organize the new table?
  • How can we improve the old periodic table?
  • What will the process look like to build a new table?
  • What would be the most efficient way to organize the periodic table?
  • Why is the periodic table organized by atomic number is that the most efficient strategy?
  • How could the little detail be demonstrated better?
  • What should we keep from the old table?
  • What do people think of the old table?


What information does the periodic table tell you?

The periotic table is doing a really good of showing what each element is and their names but it doesn’t do a good job of showing what state the materials are at a room temperature. It doesn’t do a very good job of showing the periods of the elements. It is good at showing what the atomic number is and it is easy to read because of how large that text is and that helps to learn the table faster but it leaves out a bunch of the important things.

How could you arrange it differently based on its chemical and physical properties?

We all think that it would be a good idea to arrange the periodic table by periods because that is a good way to simply show the elements. The element aren’t easily  showing the periods in the most efficient way so we arranged it in a way that easy shows that.

What different shapes could be used?

The way that the periodic table it arranged it not th most effienect and is a very weird shape. We are going to arrange it in a way that makes more sense to use by  put it in a shape that demonstrates the periods and states easier. We are going to put all the periods in a separate section to show the periods better.

How can you use colour?

We can use many different colours to show all the different states and to show the groups and the periods. we plan on using colour to show more information about the elements. We plan on colour coding them to make the periodic table a lot easier to read.


What is our plan?

We are going to organize the table by periods and they are going to all be in separate sections so that they can be easier to read. In my opinion the largest issue is the fact that it is harder to learn how to read so we play on separating it to make that easier.



We separated the periodic table into sections based on what periods they are in. They all are also colour-coded by their groups and are put into a formation that makes it easier to read than the last periodic table. although it is still missing a couple things that the other periodic table had it is a simpler way to  read the table. If we had more time to work on it now we could succeed at making it better. Too improve the table we could have put it into a simpler form and we could have incorporated more of the little details. But overall this periodic table is easier to read than the last one. This periodic table does a good job of showing what group and periods all the elements are in and is easier for use to understand.

One thought on “Solution fluency- Fresh look at the periodic table

  1. Great explanation of how you used the solution fluency to re-imagine the periodic table. Good job including media showing what your new periodic table looks like. Excellent reflection on your product and the solution fluency process. How do you think your redesigned periodic table can help Science students understand the elements better?

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