Energy Production – Hydrogen Energy

What is Hydrogen Energy?

Hydrogen gas has many amazing qualities. For example, it is colorless, tasteless, and invisible. These qualities make it hotly pursued. Hydrogen Energy can also be changed into a renewable, nonpolluting and zero emission energy resource. A fuel cell combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, heat, and water.

How does Hydrogen Energy work?

Hydrogen is generated using two main methods, steam reforming and electrolysis.

Steam Reforming – The reformer combines steam and hydrocarbon fuels at extremely high temperatures to generate hydrogen.

Electrolysis – Electrolysis creates a chemical reaction. When producing hydrogen, electrolysis decomposes water and splits it into its main elements, which are hydrogen and oxygen. It does this by using an electric current

Once the hydrogen is created it can be changed into electricity.

The most effective way to change hydrogen into oxygen is to use a fuel cell. A fuel cell transforms chemical energy into electrical energy. A fuel cell allows hydrogen and oxygen to combine in an electrochemical reaction. The result is production of electricity, water, and heat.

What are the advantages of Hydrogen Energy?

  1. Hydrogen is eco-friendly

Hydrogen is a nontoxic fuel that does not release harmful gasses into the environment.

  1. It is a renewable energy source

Hydrogen is abundant nearly everywhere. This means the Hydrogen is a never-ending source of energy.

  1. It is powerful and efficient

The techniques used to generate hydrogen produce a powerful and efficient energy source. The reason why Hydrogen is used in rockets and spaceships is because of its power and efficiency.

  1. Has a critical application in the oil and gas industry

Hydrogen is used to make crude oil into refined fuels like diesel and gasoline. Hydrogen is also used to get rid of pollutants such as sulfur from these fuels.

What are the disadvantages Hydrogen Energy?

  1. It is intimidating to store

Hydrogen storage and support infrastructure have not been highly developed. Hydrogen molecules are very small, which makes hydrogen more vulnerable to leakage.

  1. It is relatively expensive

The main reason for this is because it is intimidating to divide its basic elements like hydrogen and oxygen. For this reason, the process of extraction such as electrolysis is extremely expensive.

  1. It still relies on fossil fuels

Hydrogen is a renewable resource and has no effect on the environment, but the separation of hydrogen components still depends on fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas.

  1. It is volatile and highly flammable

Hydrogen’s volatility and highly flammable attribute makes it challenging to transport to the customer. The unique characteristic that makes Hydrogen hard to store, also makes it intimidating to transport.

Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

I think the advantages do outweigh the disadvantages. If we can research and come up with a way to reduce the cost to make Hydrogen energy easier to store and less expensive to make, hydrogen energy could be the future of energy. It has all the qualities, it is eco-friendly, renewable, and powerful and reliable, everything you want in energy.

What is the future for Hydrogen Energy?

Shell did a study on Hydrogen energy and the study concluded that in 2050, 113 million fuel cell electric vehicles could save up to 68 million tonnes of fuel and almost 200 million tonnes of carbon emissions. The International Energy Agency produced a landmark report to analyse the current state of play for hydrogen and to offer guidance on its future development. It concludes “That now is the time to scale up technologies and bring down costs to allow hydrogen to become widely used.”

Why we should use Hydrogen Energy

Hydrogen has potential for use in many types of transportation. For example, commercial, industrial, residential, and portable. Hydrogen and fuel cells can provide energy in systems for storing and allowing renewable energy and portable power. Hydrogen can also support power for trucks, aircrafts, railroads, and ships. Hydrogen can also provide power for cars, trucks, and buses. With Hydrogen energy so eco-friendly, renewable, and powerful and reliable, it could become the new energy all around the world.

Recommendation for Prime Minister Trudeau

I believe that Hydrogen Energy is the future energy of Canada and around the world. Although Hydrogen is expensive and difficult to store, if we can find a way to bring the cost down and a good storage facility it will become the future energy for Canada. It’s eco-friendly, renewable, and powerful and reliable. It can be mass produced without affecting the environment, unlike oil and coal that produce many greenhouse gasses. It’s renewable so we can use it over and over. Once it’s released it can be reused, another great positive for the earth. It’s also powerful and reliable, it can fuel boats, spaceships, and planes. It can be the new fuel for cars and trucks. It’s more eco-friendly fuel and can be used all the time, unlike solar, which needs sun, and wind, that needs wind. There is so much oxygen in the air if we can find a cheap and affordable way to split the hydrogen and oxygen, it will become the future of energy.

The process I used to investigate this topic

How did I verify and cite the information I found

I verified my my information by checking multiple sources. I read articles and studies to verify and cite my information. I also looked at graphs and diagrams.





A Fresh Look at the Periodic Table

Define and Discover:

The problem:

As a group we need to come up with a new way to represent the periodic table of elements.


What does the periodic table show us?

How are the elements represented on the periodic table?

Are the elements separated into groups?

Are the elements split into solids, liquids, and gasses?

Can the Lanthanides and Actinides be incorporated into the main table in some way?


What information does the periodic table tell us?

The periodic table tells us the symbol of the element and it’s atomic number. It tells us what period and what group the element is in. It tells us the types of elements. For example, metals and nonmetals. It can tell you what state the element is in at room temperature. It tells you the name of the groups of elements. For example, alkali metals and noble gasses.

How could you arrange it differently based on it’s chemical and physical properties?

Physical properties you could sort your elements by are:

Color, Boiling Point, Melting Point and Density

Chemical properties you could sort your elements by:

Reactivity to oxygen, Flammability, Toxicity, and Acidity

What different shapes could be used?

You could make the shape of the table a pyramid, a tree, a circle, a pentagon, a hexagon, an octagon. You could make the shape of the boxes that the elements go in squares, triangles, circles, ovals, rectangles.

How can you use color?

You can use color to separate the elements into types of elements (metals and nonmetals) and to separate them into their groups (noble gasses and halogens). You can use color to represent what state they are at room temperature.


Our Plan:

We are going to make the shape of the periodic table a tree and separate the elements into there groups. To distinguish the groups we are going to color each group a different color.


Our periodic table is in the shape of a tree and separates the elements into groups. Once the elements are in their groups they are in number order by their atomic number. Our periodic table is split into 10 groups. The elements are organized into groups based on similar chemical properties. For example, all of the Alkali Metals have one electron in their outer shell. We included the Lanthanides and the Actinides on our table instead of putting them in their own category outside the table.


We could have improved our plan by increasing the size of the boxes and writing the elements name underneath their symbol. Once we made the boxes bigger we could have added the elements state at room temperature in the corner. When coloring we used a couple colors that looked similar, so next time we could try and use completely different colors.