James’ Goals

Personal Goal:

By the end of my second year bantam, I will get my wrist shot/snap shot in hockey to 55mph. I plan to shoot pucks at Eastern Drive, to practice. I will watch YouTube videos to work on my technique, and when I am next at practice, I will ask my coach for any tips he can give me or any technique I am unsure about. If I don’t have a radar gun at home, I will ask one of my coaches or a teammate if I can borrow one of theirs.

Academic Goal:

By the end of high school, I will get at least an 86% in math every year. I plan to study the concepts for the upcoming test at least 2 days before the test so that I can ask the teacher about anything I am unsure about. I will do my math homework before I start playing video games with my friends, and when I hand it in I will ask my teacher about any concepts I am unsure about. If I don’t understand a concept I will ask the teacher and my fellow classmates for help.