British governing policy

As a British official, I realize there are many alternatives to governing Quebec. I have chose the policy of isolation, this will ensure that the colony will remain under British control and provide wealth for our glorious country. I have chosen the policy isolation because of the idea that everyone can stay in the country and have their own land and have their own communities, the French could run their territory with their laws, religion and culture. The First Nations could run their territory with their laws, religion and culture, and the British, we can run our territories the way we want too. We can charge taxes for lands in the other territories to make a profit off the French and the First Nations. We can ensure when they farm they can give us food so we can thrive. This is the best policy for us to follow. If we chose Deportation then we would have to pay money to ship the people to other places, we would have to pay money for these people’s lands, and new homes. We wouldn’t have many people to maintain the land and have no one to farm for us. We wouldn’t be able to charge taxes on them. The only problem with isolation is the people can’t connect with other cultures and will not learn from others, I think it’s very important for the people to learn things from the First Nations, and the French because they have many things to teach and share. also isolation would be the best policy because it does keep the people away from each other so their isn’t as much conflict. As I have outlined above, I believe the best policy for governing Quebec is isolation, this will ensure that the colony will remain under British control and provide wealth for our glorious country.

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