Racism project

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The rascism towards minority groups in the early 1900 was horrific. There were many laws where black peoples were not able to do things white people could. A lot of the rascism was just discrimination, but some were much more brutal. Many black people were murmured because of how they were different. The KKK killed and intimidated so many people. The black people were treated unfairly by police officers, courts and many other people. Luckily there were inspirational people who stood up against the discrimination like Malcolm x and Martin Luther king. Now a days there a racist groups like KKK that are still around, that discriminate people based on their race, religion etc. It is now illegal to discrimine people for things they cannot or help.

Sam the athlete character sketch

In the short story Sam the athlete by Stuart McLean, Sam Is a boy who wants to fit in, and he wants to fit in by playing sports. “Sam loves sports, but he sucks”, this shows that Sam I’d determined to fit in and he wants to find a sport he’s good at. Sam decides to join a field hockey team being a goalie because he isn’t coordinated enough to be a player. Sam was joyful after the coach told him “good work today”, because no one ever compliments his playing. After he realized it was a girls team, he stays because he feels he belongs. His father notices his son wearing a skirt inside his room practiced his moved, this shows that Sam is comfortable with himself on a girl team. Sam’s father probably feels embarrassed that his son is wearing a skirt. Sam finally fits in, and he loves it. In the last shot to win the game Sam makes an extraordinary save and is very pleased with himself and finds out everyone else is also pleased with him. He was very proud because the bully Mark had a look of being impressed and even jealousy. Sam goes from an determined, insecure, slim, short boy to a confident, secure, slim, short boy.
Sam is a boy who wants to fit in.

CC- self reflection

I think I showed a lot of critical thinking and communication . I tried many different ways of doing my sway before I found one that I liked. I got better at using sway and am I able to control the website instead of it limiting me. I was very proud of my writing and how I used symbols, metaphors, similes, personification and more. When we were presenting it a group I was a very active listener and I would encourage people to talk and ask questions. If I disagree with someone I tell the, but I am not mean about it, and I except that we can have different view points on the subject. I thought I showed very good communication during my writing part, and I think people could easily under stand what I was trying to say. My writing has showed much growth from last year. This semester I am going to try to put my best work forward.

Life is about experiences

(This project is based on my experiences ima written paragraph that I eventually turned into a sway presentation)

Sitting in the chilled, salty, calm water with a wakeboard strapped to my feet. Watching birds soar like planes along the water. The motor of the boat roaring like a lion. The boat driver throws the rope just like cowboys in the movies, the rope lands a foot in front of me sending a wave of salty water into my face. Waiting as the boat slowly crawls forward, I notice the rope begins to tighten, I start to feel the tension. Then I hear “ready”, I yell back “yep”. My mind begins racing, I squat down read to go, and just like that the boat begins to pull forward. I feel the water against my board as I use all the muscles in my body to pull myself up onto the water. I began to here clapping and shouting coming from the boat in front of me, then I realized “I made it”. I could see the sun rising from behind the mountains, the mountains surrounding me everywhere I look. Through the corner of my eye I see a fish jump out of the water like a leaping gazelle. I cross out of the wake, bending my knees and grasping the rope tightly on the glass like water, feeling as if I am weightless. I reach down to touch the smooth ocean sending up a spray of cool, blue water. I could now see another boat come by, the boat was a cheetah big, yellow and fast. It sent huge waves over to where I was, I could feel myself go up down, up down, up down, bending my knees in between each wave reassuring myself that I would not fall. Our boat begins to turn around, the driver signals that we are heading back to shore. Legs aching, arms hurting I was ready as well. I only had one more chance tp try something incredible, I turned as far as I could out of the wake, leaning to the left with all my ability, quickly I turned back and hit the wake, I jumped up in the air soaring like an eagle, and I hit the water, leaning to far forward I went in, I hit the water as if it were concrete. The water was refreshing but cold. I could finally feel a sense of peace sitting there in the water, waiting to get picked up by the boat



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