Foods 11 – April Lab Reflection

I chose to reflect on the Cinnamon Buns lab because it was my favourite lab to make this month. I very much enjoyed this lab because I usually don’t like cinnamon buns because I did that they are too sweet so I was pleasantly suprised to find out that the sugary taste was not too overpowering. At first I was not expecting the buns to grow as much as they did especially because they were so small when we first put them in the oven. The only problem I think that we had was that when we were cutting the cinnamon buns we failed to make sure that the cuts were even which resulted in some buns being quite big and some quite small. I think that our group worked really good together and were able to time everything very well. If I was to do this lab again I would make sure that I cut the buns more evenly because I believe that it makes them look better. I would also make or buy some icing for the buns because I think that cinnamon buns taste really good fresh out of the oven with fresh icing on top of them.