The Human Condition

In the movie Pay it Forward directed by Mimi Leder, protagonist Trevor McKinney is intrigued by a Social Studies assignment from his teacher Mr.Simonet. The assignment is to think of something to change the world and put it into action. Trevor comes up with the idea of ‘pay it forward’, paying it forward means not to pay someone back for a favour they did for you but to instead to do three good deeds for three new people. The idea is that if one person does a big deed for three people than each of those people will do three more big deeds for three other people and the process will continue until it goes around the whole world. Trevor’s idea sets off an unpredicted wave of human kindness towards others which spreads into a national phenomenon. Human’s have a great ability to spread kindness and selflessness throughout the world and are very capable of being loving towards others even if they do not know them. This movie shows that a small idea, kindness, and a little bit of motivation can change the world greatly.

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