Float Your Boat

In this experiment we were put into groups of 4 and were given around 10 minutes to construct a boat of out one 20cmx15cm piece of aluminum foil, 15cm of masking tape, 2 toothpicks, and 2 marshmallows. This boat had to be able to float as well as hold the weight of as many pennies as possible.

Hypothesis: If we build an origami boat out of tinfoil then it will hold up will in the water and it will float because it mocks a boat. By putting the pennies in the middle the weight should disperse evenly.

Conclusion: When we conducted the experiment we discovered that our boat was only able to hold 12 pennies before sinking which disproved out hypothesis. If we had used all of the tape we were given instead of only a majority of it then that may have helped our boat from sinking. To improve the experiment we should have chosen a better design for the boat so it wouldn’t get too heavy all at one point and pull the boat down.