Textiles journal- last week- overview

Inquiry Project: For my inquiry project, I have finished the top part of the dress, and have the sleeves ready to be sewn onto the dress, yet I haven’t finished the skirt part of the dress. This week, I will be working on the skirt of the dress and finish it by Friday. Moreover, something that I had trouble with for this dress was fitting, but I have found a solution to them. The top part of the dress is too long, so I will be cutting off a bit of the bottom. Another thing is that it was very difficult to wear the top, therefore I attached a zipper in the back which made it a lot easier for me to wear. Something that is going well is that the dress is looking very similar to what I imagined it to look like, which isn’t something that was common in the past when I first started making dresses. This ideally indicates that I have improved a lot and I will continue to get better.

Musical Theatre/Trashion dress: For the musical theatre dress, I haven’t yet completed it, yet I am very close to finishing it. All there is left to do is add some detail and embellishments, and make the dress longer with an additional underskirt since the dress turned out to be too short due to the size of the original dress that was used to create this dress. Moreover, this was my first time making a dress with such volume and length, therefore it was quite difficult to sew the layers together, but everything turned out well and I am very satisfied and proud of the result/how it’s looking. Something that I would do differently for next time would be to make sure that the length of the dress would be correct, and just overall plan more before the making of the dress. I want to have another colour other than pink, but I still don’t know what secondary colour I’d like to add and what embellishments I want the dress to have.

Mood board: My mood board for my “Lab Coat” was very successful. It fits my lab coat perfectly and I learned a lot from making it. I learned different techniques to display fabric such as pinning them in place, and I also think that my eye for positioning has improved. I’ve also experimented with many different things such as the ripped transparent paper I used for the title. Something that I’m not too satisfied with are the sketches I included. They were very rushed and rough, and also, the white colour pops too much in my opinion. If I were to do it again, I would take some more time to work on it and also sketch it on tan sketchbook paper or actual sketchbook paper since I used printer paper for the sketches. Overall, I am very satisfied with the way my mood board turned out and I hope to make more mood boards in the future as they were very amusing to make.

Doll pants and apron:



Textiles journal #15

The last week of school before winter break, I made all of the patterns for my inquiry project and had the fabric cut out. I started sewing the sleeve and top. I also started the dress for musical theatre before the break.

During winter break, I worked on both dresses and everything went really well. For the musical theatre dress, it was a bit difficult tackling the volume of the dress, but I got used to it and had everything under control. I got the base of the dress done, meaning that I got all of the layers sewn together. For my inquiry project dress, I didn’t work on it too much, I sewed a few pieces but not too much was done. I attached a zipper to it as it was hard for me to put on.

For this week, I want to work on my inquiry project dress and finish the musical theatre dress.

Textiles journal- week 14

Week 14

Last week I completely finished my mood board of my personal lab coat. I added some of the paper that’s similar to tissue paper. I layered it just like what I did for the title, just to even things out. Then I added another sketch of something that would be my lab coat to balance out my mood board.

Other than my moodboard, I started to think about the pattern for my passion project dress. I’ve searched in the patterns that already exist to see if there’s anything that I am looking for and I found a patter for the sleeve. I might adjust the width a little, but it’s very similar to what I am looking for.

Next week, I hope to have my pattern finished as I want to work on it over winter break. Also, I’m going to try to reach out to Mrs. Roberge and start working on the musical theater costume or at least start planning.


Textiles journal- week 13

Week 13

last week, I finished my doll pants. Everything went well, except for the side pockets I wanted to add. I forgot to add the extra pockets to the side before sewing the two sides of the pants together. This week, I might hand sew it onto the pants, but I’m not too sure of what I’m planning to do.

For my inquiry project, I sketched out some other designs, and once I know what design I want, I’m going to start sketching the flat and think about how I can make it.

I also want to start working on the dress for musical theater so I might start that sometime this week or as soon as possible since I tend to work a bit slow.

Textiles journal- week 12

week 12-

Last week, I worked on my doll pants, and I realized that I sewed the pockets on incorrectly, so I fixed that and moved a bit more forward. I also wanted to paint the cow prints onto the fabric before I put the two sides together since it would be harder to paint if the sides are stuck together, so I took it home for the weekend but I left my brushes in my locker at school, so I tried painting the prints on with my finger but it wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be, so I stopped after barely completing one and I hope to get the prints done this week so I can go back to sewing the pants.

For my mood board, I added a title and I added another sketch, but I’m not too satisfied with the sketch, therefore I hope to get that done as soon as possible this week.

Textiles journal- week 11

Week 11

Last week, I talked to my client about the doll pants that I am making for her, and she wanted white cotton as the base, and since she wanted cow prints, I asked her whether she wanted the cow prints to be painted on or have the prints sewn on, and she wanted the prints to just be painted on because it would look for clean. I also started working on the pants last week, and it’s a lot more complicated than I have imagined, but the tutorials really saved me. I’ve always wanted to try making pants, but I never got to, so I’m very glad that we’re making pants. Furthermore, this week, I want to try to finish the sewing part of the pants and start painting the prints. I also need to add some more detail to my mood board so I hope to get that done as soon as possible.

Apron journal week 9

For my Apron, last week, I went over everything to make sure that everything was sewn well, and everything was fine, yet something that I had difficulty with was sewing the pearls on. I’ve never sewn pearl onto anything before, so the first bit was a bit rough, but after sewing on a few pearls, I got the hang of it and it started looking better than it first looked. I wanted to redo the first half of the pearls I sewed on, but I figured that it would be nice to have something that I didn’t do good on to look back on what I did well and what I didn’t do as well and see how much I improved.

Overall I’m very satisfied with my apron, it fit really well on me and I even got my family to try it on to test if it would fit other people as well and fortunately, it did.

Also, for my term long project, I redesigned it and changed the colour pallet. I chose some fabric for the dress and this week I’m going to start working on my flat.

For my mood board, I got it pretty much done, but I want to add the title and one more thing since something about my mood board hasn’t satisfied me yet, so I’m going to try to figure out what to add this week.

Textiles journal- Week 8

Week 8-

Last week I’ve been working a lot on my mood board, getting pictures printed and finding the materials that I need such as fabric, embellishments, pins, etc. I started my mood board by sticking the pictures onto the board with tape so I can put it on and off until I am satisfied with how it looks. I found the fabric that I want (colour and texture), along with a ribbon and laces.

This week, I really hope to finish my mood board and start thinking more about my passion project. Speaking about passion project, I picked out some fabric for it while I was choosing fabric for my mood board, and I decided to switch up the colour from green to blue.


apron journal- week 7

Week 7

Last week, I got started on my mood board for my “lab coat” and picked certain fabrics and photos to start off. My “lab coat” has a vibe of a “student in winter” or “night in Europe”, and it has a darker colour pallet, therefore I decided to choose the black poster board for my mood board. This week, I hope to get most of my mood board done, but since it’s a short week, I’m probably not going to be able to finish it.

For my apron, I finished sewing on the pearls on the sides of my apron and I checked over everything to make sure that there wasn’t anything left to sew/work on. My apron is finally done, so I’m just going to finalize my flat for my apron.

Finally, for the group presentations, I haven’t worked too much on it since I’m pretty much done, so I’m going to try to complete it over the weekend or in class. All I need to do for it is to modify the information (more proper) and make the slide look better. I’m also going to check in with the other members of my group to make sure everything is going well and see if there’s anything I can help with.