Community Connections

The person that I have interviewed was Gabriella who is someone who posts outfit inspiration on Instagram. Her responsibility is to post outfits that she has digitally created for her followers to see, and inspire others some fashionable outfits. I find that everything that she posts is very helpful in every way. That’s why I chose her to interview. Taking care of an Instagram account with over 28.6 K followers is a very hard task, but Gabriella pushed herself to keep going and gain more supporters every single day. In addition, I am also extremely into fashion (which my passion for fashion started when I was 7 years old), and by looking at Gabriella’s account, she seemed interested as well. From what she has told me, I have discovered a handful of new things.

Firstly, I learned that owning an Instagram account and posting outfits, can help yourself have a more “fashion” mindset and possibly become more creative, for you are creating outfits everyday for other people, with every clothing pieces and accessories in the world since it’s digital. Another thing that I have learned, is not exactly related to fashion. I learned that if you don’t give up after several people telling you that your goal is impossible to achieve, you can achieve your goal. Before this interview, whenever someone told me that I wouldn’t be able to achieve my goal, sometimes, I would just give up, agreeing to what that person has said to me but now I am willing to change that mindset of mine.

Moreover, by what I know, Gabriella and I have the connection of being interested in fashion. Although the time when our interests towards fashion have started are different, at this very moment, we both love fashion and just creating outfits all in general.

When I am older, I hope to become a fashion designer and one day, have my own brand, and I feel like this interview has given me a great opportunity for me to start my own account and watch my account evolve into an account with many supporters. After when that account starts to grow faster, I can start to sell clothing or accessories and grow that into a brand.


To sum up, I find that Gabriella was an amazing person to interview, because she has a great eye for fashion, and an amazing mindset. Gabriella has also started an Etsy shop with her handmade jewelry. In conclusion, I aspire to have an account like hers one day.

These are her exact answers to my questions:

1. Why are you passionate about your job? (of growing/ taking care of this account)

With this account, I am able to make outfits in whatever style I want and I am able to choose from such a large variety of pieces, so I can create so many looks! I love creating these outfits, for it inspires some of my looks and other peoples.

2. What obstacles have you faced to get to where you are today?

A lot of people at the start said that I wasn’t going to gain a large following, so sometimes this put me down.

3. What advice would you pass on to someone who’s interested in what you’re doing?

If you decide to make an account to create outfits, or anything in general I would advice to post every day and at the start, it might be quite difficult to gain followers quickly but you shouldn’t give up.

4. Would you be open to further contact from Riverside (my school) students and if so, how and someone contact you?

I would definitely be open to further contact. You can contact me through my email.(

5. What inspires you to keep your account going and why?

I love making the outfits, and as I’ve grown, I’ve gained quite a few followers over the past few months and I think this has helped me keep posting everyday as I know people are enjoying what I’ve been posting.

6. What are some special reasons you have started this account?

I don’t really have a special reason why I started it, but this year, I’ve recently become very interested in fashion, and this has let me create outfits with items I don’t have and inspire other people.

All photos are from the Instagram account: @fashion_innspo 

Link to the Instagram account

Link to Gabriella’s Etsy page



Quand j’entends le mot pouvoir, ça me signifie les personnes qui sont indépendants, intelligence et avoir de la confiance. Je pense que les personnes qui ont de pouvoir, n’ont pas toujours beaucoup d’argent, ou commencer leur vie avec beaucoup d’argent. Par exemple, les professeurs. Ils n’ont pas beaucoup d’argent comme Bill Gates, mais ils ont le pouvoir pour quelques élèves dans la salle de classe. Pour recevoir le pouvoir, je pense que tu as besoin d’être intelligent et te croire que tu as le pouvoir et faire ton meilleur pour toutes les choses que tu fais. Pour moi, Christian Dior, le créateur de mode, a du pouvoir sur moi parce que quand je suis plus vielle, je veux être une créatrice de mode et Christian Dior est la personne qui m’inspire d’être une créatrice du mode dix (ou plus) année passer. Une personne que j’ai le pouvoir d’est probablement les jeunes comme mon frère qui a huit ans parce qu’il pense que l’école est très difficile pour nous. Je ne pense pas que j’ai du pouvoir de beaucoup de gens parce que je suis seulement un élève de neuvième année et il y a beaucoup des élevés comme moi et il n’y a pas une raison spécifique pour moi d’avoir pouvoir sur quelqu’une.


Grammar Video Project- Ampersand, Common and Proper Noun (Karla and Ellie)

Ampersand, Common and Proper nouns 

Some things we have researched deeper into, were some of these grammar concepts such as ampersands, proper and common nouns. First, ampersands. Despite appearances, the history of ampersand owes nothing to amp, or sand. Now what is Ampersand? An ampersand represents “And”, one of the conjunctions. Ampersands should not be used in normal text because they are a bit informal. People often use an ampersand when they want to save space. Furthermore, the word ampersand is a mix of Latin and English and a condensed version of the phrase “and per se and,” which means “(the character) ‘&’ by itself is ‘and’.” These are some examples of ampersands: “Mr. & Mrs. Johnson” and “Bath & Body works”. These examples use ampersand because it’s in a company’s name, which can use “&” instead of and. Moving on to common nouns, these are nouns (person, place or thing) that are not a specific thing. When we use common nouns, they don’t require to be capitalized, unless they are the first word of the sentence. Some examples of common nouns are mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, jam, pillow. Now for proper nouns, proper nouns are nouns, but they’re just perfect. Proper nouns and common nouns are very opposite. Proper nouns should always be capitalized because they are going to be named something. To demonstrate, there is Canada, In-N-Out, Mac Book, Math, Tesla, Pepsi that are proper nouns. These examples show how you would properly use proper nouns in sentences because the first letter is capitalized, and they are names of a country, company etc. 


Test Questions:

  1. What symbol is an ampersand?
  1. a) !      b) &        c)?
  1. What is the common noun used in this sentence? “He went to a movie at Cineplex.” 


  1. a) went   b) Movie     c) Cineplex 


  1. Companies can use ampersands in their company names.


  1. A) true             b) False          C) Depends


  1. Which of the following is the definition of proper nouns? 

A) nouns that are not specific but do require to be capitalized.

B) Nouns that are specific but don’t need to be capitalized.

C) Nouns that are specific and need to be capitalized.

D) Nouns that aren’t specific and don’t need to be capitalized.








  1. B 
  2.  B  
  3. A 




Power Information Fluency- Gas Cars vs. Electric Cars

Part 1:

  1. Electrical cars are much better for the environment since they don’t consume octane. Octane is what gas cars need to be powered but it can pollute the environment and make the air around us not so healthy to breathe in. On the other hand, electrical cars have rechargeable batteries, so when you charge the electrical car, the energy is used, then recharged to be used again. Electrical cars don’t need gas to be powered, therefore, there won’t be vapor that pollutes the air in electric cars. The gasoline that gas cars burn up, letting the carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, and unburned hydrocarbons contribute to air pollution. Burning gasoline can also produce greenhouse gas and carbon dioxide. Although electric cars are better for the environment, some people won’t be able to afford the car. These cars tend to be more expensive than normal gas cars, and you will need to replace the battery packs occasionally. When switching to a new electric car, the factories will be polluting the air as much as gas cars do. Electric cars take up the same amount of material to make as gas cars, but for electric cars, people have to mine for the material of the batteries that are required. Also, they tend to take a long time to recharge and travels less distance than a normal gas car, which I don’t think would be a huge problem since using an environmentally friendly car that takes a long time to recharge then not traveling a long distance, is much more preferred than a gas car that pollutes the air we breathe into our bodies that is also costly to refuel. Adding on, when we buy an electric vehicle, B.C. residents, businesses, non-profit organizations and local government organizations who purchase or lease qualifying new vehicles, can get a discount up to $3,000 off the pre-tax sticker price for qualifying new battery electric or plug-in hybrid electric vehicle. The country wants more people to purchase and use electric cars and they are helping by reducing the price of the vehicles. What we can do to make the place we live in, a better place is by thinking more environmentally friendly and spend less money on things that can slowly end the beauty of earth, and start to buy more environmentally friendly things such as electric cars, metal straws, etc. In the future, I believe that we will have more electric cars being driven all over the world, for we are beginning to see the population of electric cars increase, day by day.


2. I think that if Justin Trudeau puts in more money for gas cars to become electric cars, since electric cars are more environmentally friendly. If we start to use more electric cars, then the air that we take in can be less polluted and be more healthier for our bodies to breath in. We should start the process as fast as we can since air in Canada falls to be around the fiftieth to have the cleanest air. The country has given us a rebate for when we buy electric vehicles, but people don’t seem to be too drawn in by that yet. If Justin Trudeau decides to offer a larger rebate, more people will be convinced in buying an electric car. The air that we are breathing in, is becoming unsafe to breathe in. Wherever we go, we can smell the toxins and the chemicals that are vaporized in the air. Even with this many trees and this many days of rain, we still fall to be the fiftieth place to have the cleanest air. We have such a large country without a huge bundle of people here in BC and yet we still don’t have the cleanest air. The gasoline we pay for is getting more and more expensive, yet we still buy gas cars because they are cheaper than electric cars in the first place. Justin Trudeau needs to do something about the gas cars the people in our country uses and convince the people who are planning to buy gas cars, buy electric cars. I personally think that electric cars should be the same price as gas cars. If the government and the founder of electric cars want people to make the world better by selling electric cars, why is it so expensive? It should be the same price for people buying cars to decide which is better for their world.



Part 2:

  1. How can we reduce oil usage in gas cars?

How much rebate will we receive when buying an electric vehicle?

Why are gas cars not good for the environment?

How are electric cars better for the environment?

What can WE do to make the place we live in a better place?

What are some cons of electric cars?

What will we be seeing in the future with cars

2. A new digital tool I’ve used this for this assignment was Pexel. I have found great photos that I could use without giving credit. Some familiar digital tools I’ve used was Google and Youtube. I tried to look for the most relevant resource from Youtube and Google because sometimes, the first thing that pops up may not have the information that we need.

3. My processes to investigate my topic was simple. I simply wrote down my questions about my topic, then wrote what I already knew about it. After all that, I started my research of all the questions I had in an appropriate order. Although out was simple, I should’ve added the information that I already knew about, throughout my process of writing the researched information because I feel like that was a bit time consuming since if I took time to think out all the things that I know about, that would take more time than simply just adding along the way.

4. I verified the information I found by finding the date it was published and how relevant it was. I also checked if the English grammar was fine, all of the websites I check had normal English grammar. I should’ve checked if there was a section where all the company’s contact information were because that would help us understand that the website is legit. I should’ve also checked if there were a lot of ads because that can be a way to figure out what the writers goal is: To make money, or to actually help us.

5. The process of completing this challenge was surprisingly not that difficult. Although, next time, I hope to verify the information I find more than this time (the things I have listed above). I also wish that I can try to take less time researching because when I first started researching, I didn’t use my time very wisely and procrastinated a bit, which made me feel more stressed than I should’ve been. Next time, I want to think out a plan so I know what I want to do and need to do to achieve the answers to my questions.






A Fresh Look at the Periodic Table

Define: A challenge that our group had was when we were planning out our periodic table is that we didn’t know how we would arrange our periodic table in an organized and unique way. We also couldn’t meet up during the weekend to work on the periodic table, so we tried our best to work on it during class and one person finished up the remainder.

  • Why is the bottom part of the periodic table separated from the others?
  • How can we present our work in a nice, organized way?
  • How did the periodic table get formed so well in an organized way that provides us enough information?

Dream: Our goal for this assignment is to make a new, unique, periodic table that is easy and simpler for students to understand. Our group also want to split the elements into a group of four, categorized by liquids, solids, gases, and elements that are named after scientists and chemists. We will keep the atomic number and mass number on our table, but the set up will be a bit different.

Deliver: Our group will publish our information in a parallelogram form that’s divided into 4 smaller parallelograms because we want something unique but also, something that could be spit into four parts without looking too odd. The atomic number increases downwards for each section and the elements are split into groups of their states (solid, liquid, and gas) and by the elements that are named after chemists and scientists.

Debrief: Our process went surprisingly well, except for when we didn’t have anytime outside of school to finish up gluing the elements onto the right place. I do believe that we could’ve done better but our group did learn a bit more about the periodic table and what types of elements there are.