Studio arts 12- underwater animal research


Triggerfish are tropical fish, mainly located in Indo-Pacific. They are unique fish that have teeth, unlike other fish. They have very similar mouth structures to humans, which is something that I found very interesting. Triggerfish are also known to be very vibrant fish, occupied with many neon colors, therefore I thought that it would be a very fun project to recreate this sea creature.

Since I want to use garbage to recreate this animal as a 3D project, I think that it would be cool to put it together a bundle of translucent garbage like plastic bags, and create a shape of the fish, and then add lines and colours using garbage like coloured straws (if I can find some) or even just chip bags. For the teeth, I’m yet to find something that can perfectly represent the teeth, so hopefully when I’m going through garbage around my house, I’ll be able to find something. I do think that the fins might be hard to put together, but hopefully everything works out well. I hope to not use too much tape since tape isn’t environmentally friendly, so I’ll try to find other ways to attach parts together.


I originally wanted to make this project 3D but I got really into stencils, and thought it would be cool to used “reuseable” art (since you can reuse stencils) to represent that we should be more encouraged to use reusable items in our daily lives to help the ocean and it’s animals. Before, I didn’t like the result from the stencils, but looking at it now, I think that it has potential, so I’m going to try to make that one better. Also, with the stencil, another reason I used the stencil was because after using the stencil, putting together the stencils itself made it look like the skeleton of the fish, which was, again, inspired by the ocean animals having shorter lives due to pollution. Before I got into the fish stencil, I practiced using stencils by creating round aliens/monsters of different colours. The reason why I really enjoyed stencils is that it was oddly really satisfying to see the exact same thing, but in different colours.