Apron journal week 9

For my Apron, last week, I went over everything to make sure that everything was sewn well, and everything was fine, yet something that I had difficulty with was sewing the pearls on. I’ve never sewn pearl onto anything before, so the first bit was a bit rough, but after sewing on a few pearls, I got the hang of it and it started looking better than it first looked. I wanted to redo the first half of the pearls I sewed on, but I figured that it would be nice to have something that I didn’t do good on to look back on what I did well and what I didn’t do as well and see how much I improved.

Overall I’m very satisfied with my apron, it fit really well on me and I even got my family to try it on to test if it would fit other people as well and fortunately, it did.

Also, for my term long project, I redesigned it and changed the colour pallet. I chose some fabric for the dress and this week I’m going to start working on my flat.

For my mood board, I got it pretty much done, but I want to add the title and one more thing since something about my mood board hasn’t satisfied me yet, so I’m going to try to figure out what to add this week.

Textiles journal- Week 8

Week 8-

Last week I’ve been working a lot on my mood board, getting pictures printed and finding the materials that I need such as fabric, embellishments, pins, etc. I started my mood board by sticking the pictures onto the board with tape so I can put it on and off until I am satisfied with how it looks. I found the fabric that I want (colour and texture), along with a ribbon and laces.

This week, I really hope to finish my mood board and start thinking more about my passion project. Speaking about passion project, I picked out some fabric for it while I was choosing fabric for my mood board, and I decided to switch up the colour from green to blue.


Apron journal- week 6

Week 6-

Last week, I got a lot more done than I thought. I finished my apron, yet I’m still contemplating on whether I should add the pearls or not. I finished the ruffles and I also ended up using the stretchy fabric, which was a lot less difficult than I thought it would be. I just scrunched it up and sewed it with a straight stitch which seemed to have done the job. This week, I plan to have my apron completely finished, finish my group presentation of the fashion eras, and start my mood board. I had a goal of finishing the fashion eras presentation by this week, but I didn’t have much time to work on it, I don’t have much left to do which is a relief. In addition, for my passion project, I’m really leaning towards making a dress and there’s a dress that I designed to make back during summer break, but I’ve never made it, so I might re-design that and actually bring it to life. (FYI- it’s a bubble dress which is something that I’ve always wanted to try making)