Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Player selection and reveal of your “Top 10 picks” for your nation building team!

This will be posted as an Assignment in Teams – due Wednesday, October 28 @9am


After Canada was created in 1867, one of the key goals was to increase the size of the country and bring more provinces into Confederation.  They will set their sights on moving westward – Manitoba will be the 5th province to join Confederation in 1870.  What did this area have to offer?  Why did Canada want it to be part of the country?  What challenges arose adding this province into Confederation?  All of this will be explored in Unit 6 “Manitoba Enters Confederation”

  1. Review Learning Outcomes and Vocabulary
  2. Fur trade introduction
  3. Learning more about the 2 companies:  Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) and North West Company (NWC)
  4. Video reinforcement
    Canada: A People’s History “Episode 6 – Pathfinders” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHdAvVA8iGg
    a) Life at the Bay – starts at 16 min 14 sec
    b) The Nor’Westers – starts at 26 min 48 sec
    c) The Voyageurs – starts at 36 min 6 sec

All activities can be found in your Class Notebook.

HOMEWORK:  Complete activity comparing HBC and NWC for Wednesday

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