Industrial Revolution Rant / TED Talk

TED Talk or Rant – Thanks and Thanks for Nothing Industrial Revolution

With a partner, you will create a TED Talk or Rant about what we should thank the Industrial Revolution for (positive effects), and what we should not thank it for (negative effects).

TED Talk:

  • 10 min
  • Explanation of what we should thank the IR for
  • Explanation of what we shouldn’t thank the IR for
  • Include visual examples to compliment your explanation
  • Conclusion – has the Industrial Revolution been more beneficial or more detrimental to our world today?


  • 10 min
  • Can be broken into multiple short rants
  • Each rant needs an intro to what role the item/innovation plays in our lives today
  • Explain what is to be thankful for or not thankful for
  • Conclude each rant with an overall positive or negative effect of the item/innovation
  • Visuals should connect the Industrial Revolution to today (could be a used in the intro)

Individual Project Organizer will be handed in with the video.


TED Talk or Rant Project Organizer

Step 1:

  • Complete Project Organizer Part A, B, C and D

Step 2:

  • Decide whether you’ll make a Rant or TED Talk with your partner
  • Look up examples of Rick Mercer rants or TED Talks

Step 3:

  • Write your script for what you’ll say using your Project Organizer (does not need to be a formal script)
  • Find images that will compliment and/or highlight your script

Step 4:

  • TED Talk – prepare your slide show images and find a location to record your TED Talk
  • Rant – find a location to record your rant.
  • Use editing software to incorporate your visuals into your rant or TED Talk

Step 5:

  • Embed/Post completed video and both project organizers to one of your blogs with both your names.


Does Not Meet Minimally Meets Meets Exceeds

Continuity and Change:


(enclosure, cash crops, seed drill, crop rotation, breeding)


(Steam & coal, iron, textiles, transportation)


(laissez faire, factories, workers rights, child labour, class)


(Poor Law, social reformers, Factory Acts, abolition of slavery)

Does not demonstrates an understanding of economic, societal, political or technological changes surrounding the Industrial Revolution



Demonstrates a limited understanding of economic, societal, political or technological changes surrounding the Industrial Revolution



Demonstrates a clear understanding of economic, societal, political and technological changes surrounding the Industrial Revolution



Demonstrates a thorough understanding of economic, societal, political and technological changes surrounding the Industrial Revolution





(enclosure, cash crops, seed drill, crop rotation, breeding)


(Steam & coal, iron, textiles, factories, transportation)


(laissez faire, workers’ rights, child labour, class)


(Poor Law, social reformers, Factory Acts, abolition of slavery)

Does not demonstrate an understanding of the importance of the economic, societal, political or technological changes of the Industrial Revolution to the era or its importance today Demonstrates a limited understanding of the importance of the economic, societal, political or technological changes of the Industrial Revolution to the era or its importance today

Demonstrates a clear understanding of the importance of the economic, societal, political and technological changes of the Industrial Revolution to the era and its importance today



Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the importance of the economic, societal, political and technological changes of the Industrial Revolution to the era and its importance today




Limited fulfillment of requirements


Poor planning and organization


Missing most requirements

Little attention to detail


Lack of preparation


Most requirements present in video

Clear organization of information


Clear visuals and audio


All requirements present in video

Useful and engaging visuals


Enthusiasm and confidence


Innovative and creative


Professional looking product


All requirements present in video


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