WWI Poem

WWI Poem

1)      Create a poem that shows:

  1. One of the themes that real soldiers wrote about (as discussed in class)
  2. Canada’s role in WWI battles
  3. Knowledge of trench conditions

(minimum 10 lines)

2)      Create a slideshow that highlights your poem

  • Practice reading your poem first to know how long it will be

3)      Read and record your poem over the slideshow

  • Provide captions as well

4)      Hand in your video by flash drive and a hard copy of your poem


Possible Photo Resources:




Poem Examples:

Poems WWI

Does Not Meet Minimally Meets Meets Exceeds
Knowledge of conditions on the front No evidence of describing conditions of the war front Conditions are not well described or seem to be forced into the poem Can identify conditions on the war front seamlessly into the poem Incorporates a knowledge of conditions on the front which enhances the mood of the poem
Knowledge of soldier’s attitudes during WWI No emotion in the poem, just a description Shows generally appropriate emotions of a soldier, not specific to WWI Can identify the concerns of soldiers on the fronts Captures the feelings and moods that real soldiers have written about
Knowledge of Canada’s role in WWI Cannot identify how Canada participated in the war Mentions the major battles that Canada participated in but no further information Incorporates an understanding of Canada’s major accomplishments in battle Shows the importance that Canada played with reference to specific battles or people
Presentation Random images, editing is too quick or too slow, speech is difficult to follow Images are present but do not match the words, poorly chosen images Well chosen images that visually represents the words, clean editing Carefully chosen images that match the mood of the poem; timing and emotion heighten the message of the poem, keeps audience engaged in the image and poem

/20 marks

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