Category Archives: Grade 10

The Ghettos Portrayed in “The Cage”

After reading the first few chapters of “The Cage” by Ruth Minsky Sender, I have now a better understanding of the jewish ghettos during the 1930’s and 1940’s. The ghetto during this time was described has “Unemployment, hunger, disease: They come together and spread the pain and misery. The Nazi’s order all machinery surrendered to them. No more factories. No more jobs” (Minsky Sender 24). From my understanding the ghetto is very cold and scary for the people, kids and families inside the barbed wire fences. There is no food but little bread and soup. People are sick but there are no diagnostics because doctors do not have any of the supplies that are needed to fix and mend them. People are dying every day from tuberculosis and other diseases. Like Ruth’s little brother Laibele, who is diagnosed with tuberculosis; Ruth has gall stones which doctors can not cure because none of the have any access to right remedies and supplies to help the sick, desperate people. Nazi soldiers are on guard everywhere with rifles making sure that no one has any chance of escaping the ghetto. There are no jobs nobody is making any money, no one can buy food and if no one can buy food than everyone is going to get sick and die. They get rid of schools so that no one can have an education.


2081 Charter Of Rights and Freedom


Harrison Bergeron
By: Kurt Vonnegut
“Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. A short story set in 2081. The main focus of the story is everyone being equal. Some may think it is a beneficial thing others maybe not. In this short story the government makes amendments and rules about being equal such as amendment #203 If an individual is deemed too beautiful one must wear a mask to hide ones face that is unequal to other citizens. The mask must hide eyes, nose and eyebrows. One must never take masks off in public or the government has the right to imprison or detain such offenders. This amendment requires citizens to not be beautiful. If one does happen to be too beautiful then the individual must wear a mask. No one shall remove a mask in public, offenders shall be sent to prison if so. The charters are very harsh and have to be followed strictly. The government in this story may take it as far as assassinating a person if what they call “handicaps” are taken off in public. Parts of “handicaps” are not to be taken off as well, this amendment states the consequences #202 If an individual is deemed too strong one must wear weights of iron on oneself, the individual may not remove or take out these weights or is fined a fee of $2000 per each weight. Individuals are not to ever take off “handicaps” even if one is to be at home. Individuals have to live lives with the “handicaps” on this affects everything that one must do.