When as a society we have to rely on technology,
We need to owe those who warned us an apology
For when our devices take over our minds
We will have no one to blame but mankind
When you pick up your device, it hums joyfully
For it will not be long until it consumes you completely
Oh, why do friendships boost our self esteem
When today, the same thing is accomplished by a number of followers on a screen
When this tech first came to us in a revolution
The people of London thought it would be the solution
For a great time the people reveled in its power,
When in reality it was starting to devour
We have seen signs of the tipping point,
And the easily influenced will have their minds disjoint
And oh how the parents have been glad,
Why raise your kids when you can give them an Ipad
With no social skills and no compassion
the children will have a harder time to fashion
A real relationship in school,
But the one with the most likes is the one that is cool
And when we get passed this tipping point they will ponder
They will ask themselves and they will wonder
Why can we not we just use the gears in our head,
But we must depend on technology instead
And from there the world will be out of control
The new generations will be the ones with the toll
As what we developed will begin to take hold
And our faith in machines will begin to unfold
But by that point it will be to late
The gears grind and gnash, the machines will not wait
You will look at your kids and realize you have begun to drift apart
But there is no rewind button on life, or one to restart
But this is taking it a little to far
if we stop now we may not even have a scar
It sounds like the world will burn
but we are not past the point of no return
look up from your phone, your tablet, your TV
Go outside with the birds and the trees
Make real connections, not those online
And you’ll feel happier, this is the sign
Do not let the cogs inside a machine control you
Do things for yourself such as cook with flames or cannon in a canoe
And take this warning, it will keep you out of a tomb
Do not let technology take over, or it will be our doom