The girl on the left is Mildred, listening and watching the parlour walls and the girl on the right is Clarisse, outside exploring nature. Mildred is oppressed by technology and is depressed because of it, while Clarisse seems happy being outside.
Category Archives: English 11
Our group were assigned pages 31 to 40, where the firemen received a call about an old lady and her books. Since I was away on the day we were assigned the project, I got the role Connector, where I find connections in the book to our world and other literatures. I contributed many creative ideas as well as creating some visuals. Although my visuals were first meant as a joke, we decided to put it in the PowerPoint anyways for some laughs. For my section, after taking down some notes, I had a general idea of what I would be talking about. I first found the quotes that I could use to put in the PowerPoint, and did research on some historical people, such as Martin Luther King Jr, Anne Frank, and Benjamin Franklin. After getting my research done over the long weekend, I inserted only the most important information in point form on the PowerPoint. I was able to prepare thoroughly and had everything I needed to talk about memorized in my mind. Since not all my group members were present on the day of the presentation, I also needed to present the summary, which was Alyah’s role.
Humanity’s Responsibility
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The article Becoming Greta: ‘Invisible Girl’ to Global Climate Activist, With Bumps Along the Way written by Somini Sengupta addresses the environmental issues our world is facing known as climate change, and how a mentally ill girl named Greta is demanding action on climate change. I was fascinated how a girl suffering from crippling depression was suddenly able to change and shame the world into addressing climate change. Climate change has never been addressed properly, most people know that the issue exists, but does not act upon it. On the other hand, others tend to go into complete denial when it comes to addressing this issue. The author’s writing really hooked my attention since she explains the story in detail from different perspectives, the crowd and Greta herself. Moreover, the author includes facts about climate change showing the impact it has on our environment. In the article, Greta said: “It’s sometimes annoying when people say, ‘Oh you children, you young people are the hope. You will save the world’… I think it would be helpful if you could help us just a little bit.” It shows the irony how adults are the ones warning us about climate change all the time, but they depend on us to act upon it. Although this article was just written recently, it seems climate change that is addressed in the article will become an even bigger issue in the future. The article portrays how humans are often in denial about things they do that has a negative effect. Instead of being in denial, people should accept what they have done and act upon the consequences. I think Greta is an inspiration for me to take responsibility upon my actions.
Problematic Technology
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For the first seven years of my life, I lived in China, and while living there I went through the Chinese education system, which is very different from what we do in Canada. Teachers would force students to copy entire sections and pages from textbooks to make them remember the information. This article I chose talks about how a Chinese girl uses a robot that mimicked her handwriting to cheat the system, which caught my eye because I can see myself in her shoes doing the same thing. The authors, Daniel Victor and Tiffany May, kept the information simple and showed many different opinions on the subject from different people. They also pointed out how it’s ironic that writing out texts repeatedly is a form of punishment in China, even though it’s supposed to help us learn. Although the robot that mimics handwriting was only created not too long ago, people have still found ways to cheat the Chinese education system before. Take me for example, when I was forced to copy phrases, I used to tie two pencils together to write twice as fast as one. This reveals the universality of this article, and how people may find even more ways to cheat in the future. Our world is becoming more and more dependent on technology and this article demonstrates how machines can be used to cheat. Personally, I don’t think the girl is doing the right thing by cheating, although I may do the same; but at the same time, Chinese education seems a bit extreme by going to such lengths forcing students to copy phrases over and over.