The Human Condition


In the Human documentary directed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand, a Jewish lady tells the story of her experience as a baby while they were at war. A German officer entered the ghetto one night. Since her mother isn’t able to take proper care of her she asked the officer if he can take care of her. The German officer had no reason to take up on that offer by the Jewish lady, but took the baby with him. This man named Alois Pleva works for the German army and lives by the German border, he went out of his way to save a Jewish baby from a woman he’s never met before. He took the baby to his parents at the border between Poland and Germany and they raised her in the purest Catholic tradition until the end of the war. This video shows that in times of conflict, extreme hardships, human are able to trust one another. What the German officer did showed hope in what we call human folly.

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