Eating disorders

  • What is the eating disorder?

Binge eating has been recently recognized as a eating disorder.

  • Who does it typically affect?

But it might be the most common eating disorders, especially in the US.

Binge eating disorder is usually found in children and early adulthood, but it can also develop later on.

  • What are some major recognizable features of the disorder?

Common symptoms of binge eating disorder are:

Eating large amounts of foods rapidly, in secret and until uncomfortably full, even though they are not feeling hungry.

Cannot control themselves during binge eating.

Feelings of emotions , such as shame, disgust or guilt, when thinking about their binge-eating behavior.

No use of purging habits, such as calorie restriction, vomiting, excessive exercise or laxative use, to compensate for the binging.

  • How does it affect the body?

People with binge eating disorder are often overweight or obese. This may increase their risk of medical complications linked to excess weight, such as heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes

  • What are the causes of it?

Biological: hormonal irregularities or genetic mutations, may be associated with compulsive eating and food addiction.

Psychological:  there is a link between depression and binge eating. Body dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, and difficulty coping with feelings can also contribute to binge eating disorder.

Social and Cultural: Social pressures to be thin, which are typically influenced through media, can trigger emotional eating. Persons subject to critical comments about their bodies or weight may be especially vulnerable to binge eating disorder.

  • How can it be treated?
Treatment of binge eating disorder is challenging, because people feel ashamed of their disorder.
counseling that focuses on changing your thinking  and behavior may help
Family support is very important to treatment success. It helps your family members understand your eating disorder and recognize its signs and symptoms so they can support you better.In group therapy, you can find support and openly discuss your feelings and concerns with others who share common experiences and problems.


People with binge eating disorder regularly and uncontrollably consume large amounts of food in short periods of time. Unlike people with other eating disorders, they do not purge.

2 thoughts on “Eating disorders

  1. I like your summary very well . I have reported about anorexia nervosa . This is an eating disorder in which a person intentionally limits the intake of food or beverage because of a strong drive for thins and an intense fear of gaining weight . This eating disorder is completely the opposite of binge but it has a few similarities. The age group of the two eating disorders are the same . They are both found in children’s and early adulthoods . One of your causes is the social pressure to be thin . This is one of the causes of anorexia nervosa as well but it effects the person in a different way. Instead of emotional eating they would rather starve because the would feel guilty to eat and gain weight.

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