Friday- Inserting your quote into you paragraph, etc

  1. How to insert your quote into your paragraph. It is called an “in text citation.” Watch the first and last videos on the MLA tab on my Edublog. Review.
  2. Do No Red Ink for formatting practice. There are THREE exercises to do.
  3. When you are done, you are to review your paragraph and correctly insert 1-2 of Deal’s quotes into your paragraph.
    1. Things to consider:
      1. Where are they best placed?
      2. Which quotes best support your evidence?
      3. How can you introduce them and explain them so they support your ideas?
  4. Edit your paragraph. Use the checklist I give you to help.
  5. On Monday, you will hand in a digital version of your paragraph AND give me a printed copy WITH your Hamburger outline and checklist.