Shakespeare graphic novel             The introduction of the graphic novel is when they start planning the wedding of Hippolyta and Theseus, and when Puck (Robin Good-fellow) goes to get the love-in-idleness. When the characters fall in love with one another that just adds to the rising action, when the story reaches the climax, the king finally unbreaks the spell that […]

Pouvoir !

Je pense que le pouvoir contrôle les gens, et le pouvoir influence qu’est que les gens faisait et pourquoi ils pris les décisions. Le pouvoir influence tout le monde, et la personne qui a tous le pouvoir peut être très méchante ou très gentille, la pouvoir peut changer les gens, et comment ils pensaient. Quand  […]

Power Solution Fluency

Questions: How can we prevent greenhouse gasses? We can have house hold plants which can also work as an air purifier because after we breathe out carbon dioxide. Plants take our exhaled carbon dioxide and convert it back into oxygen for us to breathe again. After the plants get too big, we can replant them […]

Digital Footprint

Your digital footprint can effect your future in many ways, for example: if a future boss sees some bad stuff online with you in it, they may not hire you, so you won’t be getting payed. When you don’t get payed, then you don’t have enough money to pay for a house. Your digital footprint […]