Neuron Communication Summary

Action potential is a brief electrical charge that flows through the neuron, resulting from the positive ions into and out of the axon. There are three parts to the action potential in a neuron. The first step is the resting or refractory period, after the previous impulse, the neuron needs time to recharge to not […]

Bio 12 Reflection

  I will work on asking more questions in class whenever I am confused, or not understanding any topic. I will also reflect on each assignment and test I get before looking at the mark to see how I felt while doing the assignment and then how I feel after handing it in. I will […]

Protein Synthesis

Transcription Steps:  1. Unwinding and Unzipping Unlike DNA replication, the RNA polymerase enzyme performs all the jobs in the transcription protein synthesis part. But to begin the protein synthesis starts with a segment of DNA or a gene gets turned on when the RNA polymerase bind together around the gene. Once the RNA polymerase is bonded, […]