October 2021 archive

Art Reflections


Week 15: December 14th, 2021

Last Weeks Progress:

During this week I worked on some missing blog posts and I also did my luminaries project. My luminaries project is a triangle that shows the time on each side of it.

Next Weeks Goal:

Week 14: December 7th, 2021

Last Weeks Progress:

I continued working on my luminaries project I finished my magazine with the Christmas tree. I think this was very difficult to work on because I could only poke holes through a few pages at once. I also took out around 20 pages because there were a lot. I also made my third maquette using tissue paper and popsicle sticks which made a square lantern that I could put a candle under.

Next Weeks Goal:

To work on my luminaries final project.

Week 13: November 30th, 2021

Last Weeks Progress:

I started my luminaries project. I started off by making a mini maquette from clay which is a dome-shaped object which has holes all around. I’m planning on putting a candle under it so the light will shine through the holes. I started one more maquette using different material, of paper. This one is a book where I’ll put fairy lights in the middle of it and there are holes outlining a Christmas tree. I started putting holes through some pages and still have a lot to go.

Next weeks goal:

To continue my luminaries projects.

Week 12: November 22nd, 2021

Last Weeks Progress:

I worked on my inquiry project where I drew an ice cream cone which I then cut. When drawing the shape first I chose a triangle cone shape which I then changed to a square shape. I also finished cutting the shape out. At first, I used scissors which was quite difficult, but I switched to using an exacto knife.

This Weeks Goal:

To tape the cardboard cutouts together to make the shape.

Week 11: November 15th, 2021

Last Weeks Progress:

I worked on under glazing my mask after it was bisque fired. I thought this was really fun to do the only struggle I had was painting the eyebrows because the underglaze for lumpy and it smudged. I also glazed my mask, so it is now ready to be fired.

This weeks goal:

Work on my inquiry project.

Week 10: November 8th, 2021

Last weeks Progress:

During the previous week, I finished up my mask. I added a butterfly to represent the social and outgoing side of me. Making the butterfly took a few tries but wasn’t hard. Lastly, I smoothed my mask to make sure the texture of it was soft and put it on the shelf so it could fire. I was also missing a few blogs which I was stressed out about which I caught up on. I wouldn’t change anything about this week because I was able to complete my mask and when looking at my piece of art I was really happy with what I created.

This Weeks Goal:

To work on my inquiry project

do underglaze for my project


Week 9: October 29th, 2021

Last weeks progress:

During the previous week, I added more details to the mask. I scratched the cheek of my mask to create some scars representing how I feel. My acne and burns are things I find ugly about myself and I feel as if everyone else thinks the same. I also added a teardrop coming out of the eye to represent how I hold back a lot of my emotions. The last thing I worked on this week was a flag representing my home, Afghanistan, which is a big part of me.

This weeks goal:

To finish up my mask so it can get fired.


Week 8: October 22, 2021

Last Weeks Progress:

I decided to make an ice cream pinata for my sister so I watched a few youtube videos to get an idea of the best way to approach it. I also sketched the look of the ice cream and cone I wanted to make. I worked on the nose of my mask this feature was really fun to make. I made the nose sharp and blended it in nicely.

This Weeks Goal:

To work on more details for my mask.

To continue my inquiry project.

Week 7: October 18th, 2021

Last Weeks Progress:

During the previous week, I worked on under-glazing and glazing my mini mask. Using beige, green, brown, and pink underglazes I was able to complete the look of my mask. In addition, I worked on completing the eyebrows, eyeballs, and eyelids of my mask. The most difficult part was working on the eyelids as every time I would over-blend them and they wouldn’t look right. After a visual lesson from my friend Regan, and multiple failed attempts I was able to get the eyelids. Getting the eyelids done made me super happy. Overall, this week was a success and I am excited for the next.

This Weeks Goal:

To start my inquiry project

To see the results of my mini mask after it is fired.

To continue on my mask.

Week 6: October 12th, 2021

Last Weeks Progress:

During the previous week, my mini mask model was fired in the kiln. After seeing the outcome of my mini mask I was proud. When I saw my mask it made me happy as beforehand I wasn’t confident and didn’t like it. Although it isn’t full of detail it expresses the face of a shocked/hurt person. The way the eyes are out and the lips are about to open but are still shut helps to portray the look. In addition, I have started my mask and progressed in wedging and laying out the face structure. To add on, I have finished up my journals and blogs and have taken many photos of my work. Another thing we did during the last week was writing our own definition of art. Although I have many definitions I think that art is not meant to just be beautiful it’s meant to be unique. In addition, art doesn’t have to be beautiful to all eyes it can be to some. I would say the week went by perfectly and I wouldn’t change it, as I have completed what I needed to.

This weeks goal:

To underglaze and glaze my mini mask.

To continue on my face mask.

Week 5: October 4th, 2021

Last weeks Progress:

During the previous week, I presented my Clay Mask PowerPoint to the class with my group. I believe as a group we presented ourselves as confident and used loud voices which projected well throughout the class. In addition, I started my mini mask model which allowed me to work with clay after a long time. I really enjoyed making the mini mask because I got to make a face and express emotion with it. To add on, I was able to bond and become much closer with my table group during this. Whether it was talking while working or sharing opinions on artwork, we got to know each other better. Thirdly, doing this mini mask was like my prototype/ practice piece. I was able to make the mistakes and learn from them as well as practice making all the facial features.


This weeks goal:

To finish my blogs

Do my definition of Art

Take pictures of my completed work in art

Start my mask


Week 4: September 27th, 2021

Last Weeks Progress:

During class last week I brainstormed words that I thought resembled me and words that people think/see of me as. Using these words I made a rough sketch of my mask in my sketchbook to help me figure out the look of my mask. To add on, this week I have finished my Powerpoint made of masks that are inspiring/ cool to me. When doing this project, I was specifically looking for Vietnamese clay masks to use for inspiration, which was quite difficult to find when searching for them. I spent around 35 minutes and found around 2 different artists who made unique masks and one caught my eye, Nguyen Van Bay. 

Another thing I completed last week was choosing to create a pinata for my inquiry project as it is one of my sister’s favorite things and she has always wanted one for her birthday. I feel like it would be an amazing inquiry project because it would be something fun/creative to make and she would be super happy to receive it. Lastly, during the week, I did a rough sketch of my mask which has objects that resemble me. A few objects I added were on one side a spotlight because I am outgoing and a butterfly because I am social. Where on the other side is me exhausted and the flag of my country. Along with small things about me like a fist because I stand for equality and fingers crossed because I am always hopeful sometimes even in the wrong people. Overall I would give last week’s progress a 7/10. I did finish the Powerpoint but I don’t click with my sketch as much as I want to.

This weeks goal:

To start my tiny mask model to get the hang of making masks.

Use inspiration from Ngyuen Van Bay to add to the sketch of my mask.

Week 3: September 20th, 2021

Last Weeks Progress:

During this week, I created a paper mask by cutting along the outlines of the paper and taping the parts together. It was pretty easy just a bit confusing as to which parts needed to be taped. In addition, I used plaster to create molds of my fingers. To make the mold I cut the plaster and dipped it into water then onto my finger. When using plaster I realized that I really love the material. It is not only efficient to use but really fun too in my opinion. However, based on the cleanup process I know I wouldn’t want it on my face. Especially since my eyesight would be covered. I haven’t done art since grade 9 so after working with plaster the rush of excitement and creativtiy has come to me for future projects. Overall, I had a successful week and met my goals.


This weeks goal:

To sketch the look of my mask along with the details I am thinking of adding that symbolize traits about me.

To start my Powerpoint with inspiring masks

To choose my inquiry project.