September 2019 archive

Digital Footprint

1.   How might your Digital Footprint affect your future opportunities?

Your Digital Footprint could affect your future opportunities because the things you do leave a mark, especially when its online. When people go to search and see your history and what type of person you are if your not careful they could get a bad first impression on you or it could change the way they thought of you. My Digital Footprint could affect me because I don’t really have one so if I’m up against other people and they have amazing things about them that can easily be found others they could get the opportunity that I could have easily gotten too.


If instead I decide that I want to start having a easily found Digital Footprint it could help me get accepted into opportunities I signed up for.

2. Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your Digital Footprint appropriate and safe.

Three strategies you could use that would help you a lot would be to think before you say, take deep breathes, and to reflect on what just happened. The first strategy you should follow is to take a minute to deeply breathe and just calm yourself down, clear out your mind and make yourself feel less stressed.

The second strategy is to reflect on what just happened figure out what happened and try to put the pieces of the puzzle together.


The last thing you are going to do is listen to the famous saying “think before you say” because you need time to figure out what is going on your mind and how tweeting or posting about it could affect you. When you are stressed and angry you usually let out a lot of negativity without any thought about the trouble you could get into. So when you take some time to think things out its easier to control your anger. Thinking before you say is so important I usually don’t which gets me in to trouble and has me saying unnecessary things i don’t even mean.




3. What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?

Two important things I learned and would like to pass on to other students about their Digital Footprint is to be cautious about what you post online and have a good Digital Footprint. When you post something everyone will have it in front of their fingers to screenshot, share, and re-post, it could be dangerous for you even if it is deleted there could be many more copies of it that you didn’t know about. I have also learned that your Digital Footprint could be the make or break for your life plans. When you use the internet for a negative effect it could ruin your life or if you have a non existent Footprint it could make you seem like every other person and not have you stand out in any way. If your Digital Footprint is positive people will want to have you as a part of their team for your amazing skills and accomplishments. I never knew about how much a Digital Footprint could help you I am so glad I learned about it, it will help me so much when I’m ready for a job or university application, it is definitely an  important thing to have. I like volunteering for the community and schools which people wouldn’t know I do if I keep it to myself.




A Clear Mind


Thinking Before You Say



Rapid Nation

The things I am most excited about at Riverside is to do the potery classes and get to use the machine I am also really excited to get to be able to leave at lunch to go home because i always wake up late and underestimate how hungry I am going to get at school. I really want to get involved in at least 2 clubs and volunteering i also really want to join badminton and basketball  this year. A few things that I am really nervous about this year is getting distant with my friends because my two best friends are not in any of my classes in both semesters same with three people I’ve gotten to know really well and thought that i’d get to spend more time with them in school. I am also really nervous for tryouts that I wont be good enough or I’ll mess up that I might not even end up joining.