Our grade 9 science class was asked to make Wonder questions after communicating with a beekeeper from Tanzania named Saul Mwame. The wonder question project aims to help us learn more about “ungooglable” questions that require us to create sub questions. The sub questions help lead us to a reasonable and/or satisfactory answer. For my question I decided lean towards the climate change aspect of bee keeping.
Sub questions:
-How much has nature evolved in the past years?
-Can bees survive in different climates?
-What type of animals attack bees?
-What is a very efficient way to protect bees?
-What IS harmful to nature/What ISN’T harmful?
About the sub questions:
The sub questions that I chose helped me a lot to find the answer that i was looking for. It helped me better understand topics to get closer to an answer for my wonder question.
-Canada agriculture and food museum
-Citation Machine
-Google (for graph)
Websites used:
For the graph-
Team, T. B. I. (2021, June 23). United States Honey Bee Colony losses 2020-2021: Preliminary results. Bee Informed Partnership. Retrieved February 10, 2023, from https://beeinformed.org/2021/06/21/united-states-honey-bee-colony-losses-2020-2021-preliminary-results/
Canada agriculture and food museum-
Museum, C. A. and F. (n.d.). The keeper . Placement | Bees A Honey of an Idea. Retrieved February 10, 2023, from https://bees.techno-science.ca/english/bees/the-beekeeper/placement.php
Pieper, A., & Amanda PieperAmanda is a self-sufficiency farmer and beekeeper. (2019, August 12). 6 common bee predators and how to protect your hive. Morning Chores. Retrieved February 10, 2023, from https://morningchores.com/bee-predators/
How did you verify your sources were reliable?
For the majority of the research, I used Gale Engage and watched the video call we had with Saul to provide reliable information. I find that when using Gale, it encouraged me to dig deeper to search for answers for my questions. Gale helped me add to my questions, add questions or rephrase my questions because of the many resources and information you can find while searching a topic instead of a question. Additionally, the video call with Saul was a very reliable and useful source that I’m glad was provided to us. I also used Citing Machine to further help me cite my information and find the author of the websites used.
I feel that I did work hard on this project although there were some times that I did struggle a lot. I do think the way in which I designed my sway stands out to me the most. I also appreciate the way in which I wasn’t afraid to ask questions when needed and decided to stay on tasks during class time. I struggled while finding information with the Gale website and aim to get better at it so I can use it more for my projects. Improvements could have also been made when I was keeping track of my citations and picture links; I added all my cites to a word document until the end when I decided to copy and paste them into my sway. The next time I do a project that tells me to keep track of my sources, I will attempt to find a more efficient way that works best for me.
As for my sub questions, I feel as though some of them could have been research further but, my skills with finding information can be worked on.
Excellent information fluency post. Great job introducing the post at the beginning. I really like how you have found some great sub-questions to lead you to get a well-rounded perspective on bee survival interventions now that might be harmful in the future. You have done a great job sharing the digital tools you used and citing your sources. Good debrief on your product and process as well! What led you to consider pursuing this topic after talking with Saul? Can I use this as an example for future students?
Thank you so much for the feedback Mr. Robinson. I thought of asking this question after one of my classmates asked the question “how do you defend your hives”. Considering the changing of climate right now, I thought it would be an interesting thing to research. You may use it for future students, I don’t mind!
I really liked your question for the sway and your layout is very unique.
Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate the comment about the layout, I spent my time on that and am glad that it shows!
Reading your sway I think that it is very well constructed and highly informative on problems and solutions.
Fantastic work Megan! Your Sway and written work are outstandingly detailed and precise. I am impressed at how you introduced your Sway and the topic our class is working on.
I like how you included many sub-questions, and some sub-questions also answer other sub-questions. In your Sway, you included a video to help the audience/reader understand the concept.
I also like how you also mentioned Saul in your Sway and used the information he provided us from the online meeting.
I was particularly impressed at how you added a conclusion at the end of your Sway.
Overall, I found your work incredibly creative, clear, and detailed.
Thank you so much Sarah!! I figured including Saul in my project would be a good thing considering he is one of the reasons we did the project. Also because he provided so much useful information that I couldn’t let go to waste.