Tag Archives: ROB16EB1

CBL – Engineering Brightness Proposal



Two weeks ago, we had a Skype chat with Eladio, Dennis, and their students Eduardo and Paulo in the Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo. We learned about light poverty and their living conditions.

Last week, we also had a Skype chat with Ian Fogarty and his class, from New Brunswick. They helped us a lot by answering some questions we had about the lights that they made. They taught us more about what materials to use and which ones not to. They clarified our questions and ideas.

Some of the information that we got from the first Skype chat was: 1/3 of the population in tne Dominican Republic has access to electricity, the communities have 3-4 hours of access to electricity . Private schools use technology as much as we do, but in Public Schools they only use books, no electricity, and sometimes ,  you can see a teacher with one computer in the class, but it’s an old one, it doesn’t really work, what makes education for the kids even worst. Then, with the students from New Brunswick, we learned what materials to use and what not to, and specific information for our projects, like where to buy all our materials, what do we need, what is better, etc.

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So, with my partner ,  We were thinking about working with solar power, because it’s safer and easier to charge the light, we also thought that it’s really interesting and trying new stuff. We are now connecting with a company called Liter of Light to get some ideas, advices.



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here’s their link : http://literoflight.org/index.php#prettyPhoto

Here’s also a screenshot from our message sent to Eladio and Dennis. We have asked them a few of questions about their ideas, and ours, and we have talked about our foundraising video.

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We are also going to do a fundraising to raise some money, and for the fundraising we are going to be doing a video with some interviews to people from the DominicanRepublic .  We are now thinking about designs for LED lights.

Help us. Help them.


image’s link: https://www.google.ca/search?q=liter+of+light&client=tablet-android-samsung&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjhmbGUp-HQAhVVzWMKHTQvCR8Q_AUIBygB&biw=1024&bih=600#imgrc=3NQyQuj4fvx5kM%3A
