Desmos Portrait 2018


For my demos portrait, I was really confused about all the equations and how to keep them within a specific area so I could make a face. I mostly asked my friends and they helped me out with it because it was pretty confusing. I think I used most of the equations and it looks pretty funny so thats nice. My biggest challenge was doing the domain and range because sometimes it just wasn’t working and I had to change one thing to make it work but catching on to that was confusing and having so many different equations along the side of the portrait made me really confused about what I was supposed to do next. Also trying to make a nose was really confusing so I just decided to go with a Pinocchio nose because it was the easiest and it all depends on angles. Finding how to use a square root for my portrait was hard too but I decided I could use that as my nostrils. I used copy and paste a lot for making my hair because it’s fun and for replicating my eyes and nose on opposite sides. I don’t think I learned anything about functions and graphs it’s my worst math section so I spent most of the time making my demos portrait laughing because its pretty funny.


Astronomy Wonder Project

How can we use technology to travel into different galaxies?

Intergalactic travelling :  hypothetical manned or unmanned travel between galaxies.

Intergalactic travelling could be possible in the near future with the right technology created. There are many different possible theories as to how it could be possible but it could take millions of years to fully find the proper technology to achieve this. Since there isn’t a measurement for how big the universe is, it is impossible to travel the entire universe as it’s a constant matter. Because of the zero gravity in space, travelling at the speed of light seems impossible and it could take millions of years to develop the right technology to travel at a speed so fast to reach other galaxies in a human life. Even if we could travel at the speed of light, it could take thousands or millions of years to travel to another galaxy. The average distance of Mars from the earth is about 225 million km away and traveling at the speed of light takes about 12.5 minutes.

  • How our technology is developing

NASA is researching a new way to fuel a spaceship that could possibly travel our farther in our solar system. The research done on this has shown to go against the 3rd law of physics. Using the propulsion system (EmDrive), this uses bouncing microwaves in a closed container so it can generate thrusts.

  • How fast can humans travel in space?

So far, the fastest time for travelling in space is 39,897km an hour. This is from NASA’s Apollo 10 space mission, going around the moon in 1969. Its been almost half a century since this mission and scientists and mechanics haven’t developed a spacecraft that makes it safe enough to go faster.



Some questions I thought of while searching this is:

If our technology hasn’t developed a faster speed since 1969, will it ever change? 

Will it ever be possible to travel at the speed of light?

If the propulsion system works, what other laws of physics can we defy?

Surface Area of a Sphere OE2018


For this activity, we cut an orange in half making two hemispheres. We took one hemisphere and traced as many circles as we could onto our sheet and then took the orange peel and took small pieces to see how much of the orange peel would fit into the circumference of the orange. I learned the formula for a surface are of a sphere is 4 πr2. By taking the circumference of the orange, the peel filled 4 circles which means that the circumference is multiplied by 4.

Garibaldi Lake Task

  1. How much water does the Barrier contain behind it in the lake?
  2. If the Barrier faulted, what do you think would happen? How much water would escape and what kind of power is the escaping water equivalent to?

The Barrier is a natural dam that holds back the water from Garibaldi Lake escaping and flooding into the valley below.


  1. When you take the average depth of the lake (119 m) and multiply by the surface area of the lake (9.94 Km2), you convert the depth into kilometres, 0.119 km x 9.94Km= 1.8286Km3converting this into cubic meters is multiplying by 10003 m, 1.8286 10003 = 1,828,600,000mwhich is equal to 1,828,600,000,000 L. The Barrier is holding about 1,828,600,000,000 L of water.
  2. The maximum depth of the lake is 258.7 m and the Barrier height is 243 m so the difference between the bottom of the lake to the beginning of the Barrier is 15.7m. If the Barrier was faulted, depending on how big or a crack and where this is would determine how much water would escape and how fast. If all the water that the Barrier was holding would escape there would still be a depth 15.7m containing water in the Lake so not all the water would escape. If the water was only 119m deep, a depth of only 103.3m of water would escape whereas if the depth was 258.7m, a depth of 243m of water would escape.


For my Random Act of Kindness, I thought it would be nice to send all my friends who are important to me a message letting them know I appreciate them being in my life. After every message, I noticed my friends seemed to be in a happier mood  and it made their day getting a small message letting them know their importance. For me, I noticed that it helps yourself feel better as well making someone else who is important to you happy. I think by doing this, it just made me more aware of how a small message as simple as this can change someones attitude for the day and how it can make such a big impact on their day. This also helps show that something so small can go a big way for someone. Doing this RAC was really fun and I would for sure do this again sometime. I know a few of my friends who also send messages to their friends and that also brightens their day and makes them very happy.