Fahrenheit 451 Visual Aspect

These images are a representation of Guy Montag’s journey as an average citizen, not as a hero. I used China as an example both in the collage and in the essay because of its famous censorship system. John 8:32 verse is an allusion to when Montag thinks about “a time to break down and a time to speak.” The images of nature are representative of when he was on the…


Titan I need a moment So I can listen to the stars Mourning in their stories Their arduous twinkling, so far and sparse.   History has a tendency to remember victory But Victory forgets the lost. Society always neglects to mention The extent of the cost.   I know they love playing God While their hearts and eyes silently weep As if there’s nothing left to keep. Yet they hide…

Fahrenheit 451 Reflection

In this presentation, I was given the role of Connector and Visual Enhancer. We worked with pages 32- 38. The main ideas of my jobs were: to make text to text/ text to self/ text to world connections, and to create and design visuals that enhanced the presentation. In my opinion, I did a good job with connecting the book to the Nazi book burnings, and creating the collage. I…

Introduction to Fahrenheit 451

Write two surface level, knowledge and comprehension questions and answers. Make sure you include evidence with page numbers in your answers. Who is Montag? What does he do for a living? Ans: Pg. 2, and 4. Montag is the main character of the novel. He is a fireman. Who does Guy Montag meet on his way back from the fire station? What terms do they use to describe themselves? Ans:…

The Life and Times and Trials and Tribulations of Stephen Hawking

The Whirling Ways of Stars That Pass Hawking was born on January 8, 1942, exactly 300 years after the death of Galileo. In October 1962, Stephen arrived at the University of Cambridge to do research in cosmology. No one else was doing work in that field at the time. During his career, he went on to gain many prestigious titles, such as:  Lucasian Professor of Mathematics (1979-2009) and Fellow of the Royal…

The Life and Times and Trials and Tribulations of Stan Lee

Excelsior! (Published by me in November 2018) Lee was born Stanley Martin Lieber in Manhattan’s Upper West Side in 1922. His childhood was greatly marred by the Great Depression, influencing the way he upheld work and life. He attended DeWitt Clinton High School in the Bronx. At the young age of 17, Lee got a job working as a script writer for Timely Comics, what would later become known as…

The Life and Times and Trials and Tribulations of Alan Turing

Science is a differential equation. Religion is a boundary condition. Throughout history, people on the LGBTQIA spectrum have commonly been ousted from society, despite extraordinary talents and abilities. Alan Mathison Turing is an excellent example. Born on 23 June 1912 in Maida Vale, London, Turing worked as a logician/ mathematician. During WW2, he was instrumental in breaking the German Enigma code, leading to Allied victory over Nazi Germany. During his…

There Will Come Soft Rains

6. The story says a great deal about our society’s obsession with technology in order to have an ‘easier’ life. There is, however, an underlying warning in this story that concerns our materialistic attitude and the environmental repercussions. Explain in detail the main idea by referring to quotes. As technology advanced at a rapid pace in the early 20th century, specifically following the development of the atomic bomb in the…