Cesium (Cs)


Cesium, or also known as Caesium, was discovered by Robert Wilhelm Bunsen and Gustav Robert Kirchoff in 1860. Cesium was discovered as Bunsen and Kirchoff were observing the spectrum of some mineral water under a spectroscope. During the experiment, they began to view some vivid blue lines in the spectrum. Caesium comes from the latin word Caesius, which means “sky blue.”

Cesium has an atomic number of 55 and is apart of the Alkali metal family. It is one of only five other metals that are found liquid at room temperature. Cesium is extremely reactive with water and can ignite in the air as well. It is also one of the softest metals known.Cesium pic

Due to Cesium’s high reactivity, it is considered a hazardous metal and is usually not found on its own. It is commonly found in atomic clocks, infrared lights,and in photoelectric tubes that gives electrons. Although cesium is extremely reactive in water, some cesium salts are used to make mineral water.



All found on September 21,2015 


