Fahrenheit 451 Reflection

For this presentation, my role was the literary luminary, I had to find quotes throughout our section (page 54-62) of the book and explain the significance and/or meaning of the figurative language within them. We had decided with a group of 5 to split the 6 roles into 5 parts giving one person 2 of the smaller, simpler roles. Although I was absent on the day of the presentation, I still did my part of the project by creating 7 slides for our sway, adding occasional images to improve the presentation and tried my best to keep our group organized and all on the same page.


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Neuron Communication Lesson

Neuron Structure

there are 3 different types of neurons the motor neuron, sensory neuron, and the interneuron.

Image result for there are three different neuron structures

All neurons are made of dendrites which receive information from other neurons and transmit them to the cell body, the cell body also known as the soma that receives messages from the dendrites and provides life functions, and the axon which carries neurons away from the cell body and to other neurons and muscles.

The motor neuron contains the 3 parts previously listed and the terminal buttons which are responsible for sending signals on to other neurons, the myelin sheath that converse the axon of some neurons and helps speed up neural impulse, and the action potential which is the signal that travels down the axon.

Image result for neuron structure and function

Neuron Functions 

A neuron is a electrically excitable cells that transmits information through electrical and chemical signals, they are the fundamental units of the brain and nervous system. Impulses that are sent along the neuron are called action potential, the action potential is the electrical current that travels along the axon when a neuron has been stimulated. The key to neural function is the synaptic signaling process, it is partly electrical and partly chemical. Once the electrical signal reaches the synapse, a neurotransmitter is released by the neuron. This neurotransmitter will stimulate the second neuron, triggering a new wave of electrical impulse, repeating the same mechanism described above.

Synapse Structure 

Image result for synapse structure


Synapse Function

The synapse is the point of communication between 2 neurons or a neuron and target cell, like a muscle or gland. At the synapse, the firing of an action potential in one neuron (the presynaptic) causes the transmission of a signal to another neuron (the postsynaptic) making the postsynaptic neuron either more or less likely to fire its own action potential.

When the action potential reaches the axon terminal the AP causes synaptic vesicles to release neurotransmitters into the synaptic gap, the neurotransmitters diffuse through the gap and bind to the receptors on the receiving end.



Google Search, Google, www.google.ca/search?rlz=1C1CHBH_enCA764CA764&biw=1368&bih=802&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=etDEW5K2B_Lg9AP4_oC4BQ&q=neuron structure and function&oq=neuron structure &gs_l=img.1.0.0l10.715337.718744.0.721048.….0…1c.1.64.img..0.20.894…0i67k1j0i10i24k1.0.TOVypLAdWIE#imgrc=7qpNMbGpJOE30M:

“The Synapse.” Khan Academy, Khan Academy, www.khanacademy.org/science/biology/human-biology/neuron-nervous-system/a/the-synapse.

“Synapse Structure.” Google Search, Google, www.google.ca/search?q=synapse structure&rlz=1C1CHBH_enCA764CA764&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjU6JTPhYneAhUxGzQIHdPnAL4Q_AUIDigB&biw=1368&bih=802#imgrc=0kLOauxXVNelqM:


Charles Darwin

how did the discovery of DNA prove that Darwin’s theory of evolution was correct and how does it change the way we view evolution today and into the future?

Image result for what is darwin's theory of evolution

Charles Darwin was a biologist who visited the Galapagos islands in 1835 during his travels he encountered many fascinating organisms and during expeditions he collected the bodies of multiple birds. While he was going home he discovered that all the birds(finch’s) were the same species even though they didn’t look alike.

Darwin’s first study was with dogs breeders and focused on the idea of specific traits being passed down based on human interactions. he believed that the small adaptations that happened in the finch from the different Galapagos islands was the cause of adaptation. He believed that those small differences allowed for the fit to get fitter and for the unfit to slowly die off which overtime lead to much bigger differences. He believed the birds had these different characteristics because they adapted to their environment depending on which of the islands they resided, they used their beaks as tools and the long beaks were used to go deep into flowers and short beaks were for breaking hard nuts. This proves his theory of evolution by natural selection and instead of human interactions passing down traits like with dogs it was natures interactions that affected the species and allowed them to evolve over time.

Natural selection is another place to explore in the medical field it gives us a chance to discover the cause of diseases and the chance of finding a cure. In the movie What Darwin never knew that we watched in class, they spoke about finding a cure for microscelepathy. Microcelepathy is a disease where the human brain is the same size as a chimps and this is because of 1 of the 21 different mutations. They have yet to find a cure but using Darwin’s theory has helped them a lot, natural selection has opened many doors for scientists and our future and is evolving all thanks to Darwin’s early discoveries. Now with the discovery of DNA we could test and prove Darwin’s theory easily.

Exploring Quadratic Functions

Exploring quadratic functions (7.1)

Follow the instructions laid out in this worksheet and post your answers in a blog post. Use www.desmos.com to answer the questions below.
Due: Wednesday Sept 26th
Title: Exploring quadratic functions
Categorize: Math 11
Tag: quadratics, pahlevanlu

  1. Find and write the definition of a quadratic function in words you understand. (use your textbook, google, etc)
  • A quadratic function is a U-shaped curved line known as a parabola which can open facing upwards or downwards and the width and steepness of the U shape can vary.
  1. Give an example of a quadratic function and give an example of a function that is NOT a quadratic.
  • Quadratic Function: y= 2x2 + 3x + 5
  • Not a quadratic Function: y = 2x + 5
  1. Go to desmos.com and type in the following function:
    1. Desmos will give you the option of adding “sliders” for or all. Click all. This will allow you to change the values of  to see how the graph changes.
    2. Start with slider values . Describe any symmetry you notice.
  • The lines on both sides of the y axis are identical but just curved opposite ways
  1. Keep b = c = 0. Change the value of :
      1. Does the graph open up or open down?
  • The graph opens downwards
    1. Does the graph have a maximum point or minimum point?
  • The graph does not have a maximum point it continues on forever
      1. Does the graph open up or open down?
  • The graph curves and opens upwards
    1. Does the graph have a maximum point or minimum point?
  • No, the graph doesn’t have a max or min point it doesn’t end
      1. Is the graph narrow or wide?
  • The graph is much wider
      1. Is the graph narrow or wide
  • The graph is narrow
  1. We call the maximum or minimum point of a quadratic function the vertex. Complete the following statements:
    1. When is positive the vertex is a minimum
    2. When is negative the vertex is a maximum
  2. Let and Use the slider to change the value of Describe how the graph changes as changes. The point where the graph begins changes and moves up and down based on what number you change c to.

Roots are the solutions to the quadratic equation.  The roots are found by looking at where the curve crosses the x axis (x-intercepts).

Adjust the sliders for a, b and c so you can get a curve that just touches the x axis (y=0).


Equation: y = 8x2+ x + 0 = y = 8x2


This quadratic equation has ONE solution.


Adjust the sliders so you can get the roots of 0 and -1


Equation: y=-2.8x2+-2.8x


This quadratic equation has TWO solutions.


Adjust the sliders so that the curve does NOT cross the x-axis. You just move c to put the curve above the center point


Equation:  y = 10x2+ x + 0.5


When the curve does NOT cross the x-axis, there are NO REAL solutions for this equation.

Astronomy Wonder Project

Are there any intelligent life forms living beyond our solar system?

It would make the most sense to search other planets on different solar systems for humans like ourselves, but we don’t know that more humans will be out there. Yes there is a possibility for humans to be living on a different planet but there is an even greater chance that other living forms like extra terrestrials or a different new living form we dont even know exists yet.

There are certain components that are necessary for any living organism whether it’s humans or extra terrestrials or anything to be able to survive on a planet these components include;

  • The planet must be in a solar system that revolves around a single sun that can serve as a long lives stable source of energy
  • It must be a terrestrial planet which means it must be non-gaseous (a solid surface)
  • Water
  • The planet must be the right distance away from the sun in order for liquid to be able to stay at the surface of the planet – if the sun it’s too close, the water boil and burn off and if it’s too far away from the sun the water will be permanently frozen
  • Atmosphere to be able to keep the water in a liquid state
  • The solar system must be placed at the right place in the galaxy where it doesn’t have extreme radiation and is able to absorb heavy elements after neighboring stars die
  • A large enough moon to stabilize the tilt of the planet’s rotation
  • An oxygen-rich atmosphere
  • Energy from the sun
  • Nutrients
  • Gravity to hold it together


How can view whats on these planets?

There are many possible ways to figure out if there is living forms beyond our solar system but we need more advanced technology. For example we could create telescopes that can see further and more clear than the ones we have now, as well as creating rockets that can fly for much longer than the current ones. another way would be to calculate different factors of the environment of that planet to figure out if it is even possible for a living organism to live on that certain planet.

My Theory 

Solar systems revolve around a star which is then the sun of that solar system. When a scientist finds a large enough star they will find planets around it which are part of that solar system. By calculating the distance of that planet from the sun they can determine the temperature on the surface of that planet. If the planet is too close to the sun it will be too hot for anything to live on that planet and there will be no water therefor nothing can survive without water.

If the planet has a temperature that is extremely cold then if there was a possibility of water being on that planet the water would be frozen. Again meaning that there is no chance of any living form being able to survive on that planet.

The image below shows how in every solar system there are going to be certain areas that could possibly be habitable zones and if the planet is not in that zone we don’t need to worry about investigating it to see of there are any living forms.

Related image

According to Nasa the following planets are possible habitable planets (not part of out solar system);

  • Gliese 667C c
  • Kepler-62 e
  • Tau Ceti e*
  • Gliese 581 g*
  • Gliese 667C f
  • HD 40307 g
  • Gliese 163 c
  • Kepler-61 b
  • Kepler-22 b
  • Kepler-62 f
  • Gliese 667C e
  • Gliese 581 d

See Explanation. Clicking on the picture will download the highest resolution version available.

Further Questions

Will we ever be able to create a rocket that will be able to store enough fuel to fly to another solar system?

If we would be able to live on another planet would it be easier to discover and explore other planets and the universe in general?





“Exoplanet Exploration: Planets Beyond Our Solar System: Life Signs.” NASA, NASA, 24 Jan. 2017, exoplanets.nasa.gov/the-search-for-life/life-signs/.

“Astronomy Picture Of The Day .” NASA, NASA, 3 Mar. 2014, apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap140303.html.

Westman, Robert S. “Johannes Kepler.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 22 May 2018, www.britannica.com/biography/Johannes-Kepler.

Desmos Portrait 2018

While completing this project I encountered many difficulties from finding the correct equation to making the shape or line I wanted, and being able to line it all up perfectly so that the face was equal. The most difficult part for me was being able to find a equation that would make hair strand that would shape my Desmos portraits face. My strategies was a lot of trial and error i tried to test out multiple different equations and once I got the desired shape I played around with the numbers to shorten or change the length of the line or shape to suit the rest of the face.I got Jane to help me at the beginning because I couldn’t figure out how to make the eyes but after she helped me I was confident in doing the rest of the project on my own. This assignment helped me understand how domain and range worked and what each equations shape should look like.