Week 4 in Math 10

During the course of the week I learned a lot about exponents. I first learned the laws like Multiplication, division, Zeros, and Power Laws. In the Multiplication law you add the exponents, In Division you Subtract them, in Zeros you make the Number a 1…

week 3 in math 10

This week in math 10 I learned a lot about exponents and how to figure out questions. I learned a lot about MDZPP and at the end of the week we also learned a little bit about N. M is for the multiplication of a…

Sam and his skirt

              Sam had very little talent, but he found the one thing he was good at, wearing a skirt. Sam the Athlete is a short story by the author of Stewart McLean. Sam was in his very first year of middle school and wanted…

2nd week in math 10

this week in math 10 we learned a lot about radicals and how to change them into missed radicals. During the week we did a skills check, learnt a lot during the skills check like how to do certain things I was doing wrong by talking…