Category Archives: Socials 9

British Governing Policy

“As a British official, I realize there are many alternatives to governing Quebec.  I have chosen the policy of __Isolation__ to ensure the colony is properly run.”

Isolation is the best policy for these 4 reasons.

 1st if we put the 2 colony together than there would be lots of fighting between the two colony’s. So  if we separate them then  the French wont be extremely mad at us because the don’t have to  be deported or killed and they get to stay and have land. So  it is best not to put them together or have us follow the French  culture.

2nd If we didn’t want to  deport them because than there would be a extremely be a good chance of war.

3d reason isolation is the best is because if we keep  the French  culture then the British  will  be mad and not want to live here so  if the are separated they can do  there own thing.

4th reason is that is if we let them keep  there land that they might help  us fight against other colony’s  that try to take are land because they want to keep  their land that we gave them.

As I have outlined above, I believe the best policy for governing Quebec is _isolating_.  This will ensure that the colony will remain under British control and provide wealth for our glorious country.

By Fraser Olson