Category Archives: Grade 9

Math 9 Final Reivew 2017


The difference between brackets and no brackets.

-26=-64    -(2)(2)(2)(2)(2)(2)=-64

(-2)6=64    (-2)(-2)(-2)(-2)(-2)(-2)=64

If the negative is inside the brackets and the exponent is a even number. The answer then will be positive.

If the negative is outside the brackets and the exponent is even  or odd the answer is negative.

Two rabbits doubles every hour. How many rabbits will there be after 6 hours?

The answer is 64 because 2×2=4×2=8×2=16×2=32×2=64

11.4 Misleading Statistics

For question 3

Fake accounts would effect me because  you really don’t know if this person is real.  The fake people can spread bad and fake information  and if the information  is bad or disrespectful everyone will  go at the person  who  actually has the name that the fake person has put on their account. Fake people might try to target younger people because they know that older adults can figure out that they are fake. Fake people can also  try to  take your credit card number and bank information  if you are a fried of the actual name that they put on their social  media page.

11.3 Probability in Society

Coca-Cola had 14,490 people vote- %67.28

Pepsi had 7046 people vote- %32.72

This vote is voluntary response because they have a vote and ask people to participate. The people have a choice whether to vote or not to  vote so it is a voluntary response.  The website has many other votes that people can chose to participate in.


Movie Trailer

Reflection:    Some of the things that I have learned through out the project is how to imagine the scenes in my head and draw the scene on paper. I also learned how to incorporate others ideas of creativity into the project. And learn how to collaborate with people better.

By  Fraser Olson

British Governing Policy

“As a British official, I realize there are many alternatives to governing Quebec.  I have chosen the policy of __Isolation__ to ensure the colony is properly run.”

Isolation is the best policy for these 4 reasons.

 1st if we put the 2 colony together than there would be lots of fighting between the two colony’s. So  if we separate them then  the French wont be extremely mad at us because the don’t have to  be deported or killed and they get to stay and have land. So  it is best not to put them together or have us follow the French  culture.

2nd If we didn’t want to  deport them because than there would be a extremely be a good chance of war.

3d reason isolation is the best is because if we keep  the French  culture then the British  will  be mad and not want to live here so  if the are separated they can do  there own thing.

4th reason is that is if we let them keep  there land that they might help  us fight against other colony’s  that try to take are land because they want to keep  their land that we gave them.

As I have outlined above, I believe the best policy for governing Quebec is _isolating_.  This will ensure that the colony will remain under British control and provide wealth for our glorious country.

By Fraser Olson

The African Well

Small Acts of Kindness

  1. A small deed in the story was when Ms. Ralston said that girls can go for water. The way that she expressed that deed was when Ms.  Ralston hit the ball out into the ox pasture. In that moment, it clicked for all of the boys.  The thing that clicked was that they knew that they were treating girls unfairly and that girls should be able to go for water.
  2. A small  act of kindness is when you do  something for another person with out being told to  do  so.
  3. I know 2 people that did a random act of kindness. Their names are Drew and Grace Descourouez. They are 17 and 15 years old.  They live in California but I met them in Africa. Drew and Grace were in Africa for a specific reason. They were there to see the village that they raised money for to build a well. Drew and Grace once saw a  newspaper article about a poor village in Africa that needed a well. Drew was so moved by the situation that he and his sister started fundraisers at his high school. Some of the fundraisers that they hosted were bake sales, charity runs and walkathons.  There was something different about their walkathons though. For their walkathons people had to  walk a long distances carrying big jugs of heavy water.  Drew didn’t know anyone who  lived in that African village. The only thing that he knew about those people was that they had a lot less than he had and he wanted to help.

 By: Fraser Olson

 Image result for bulding wells in africa



Math Review

My Math Review Of:

Rational Numbers (Number Lines, Decimals, Fractions, Square Roots, Order of Operations)

Exponents (Exponent Laws, Evaluating, Word Problems)

Polynomials (Vocabulary, Like Terms, Adding/Subtracting, Multiplying/Dividing)


Stop Motion



The group Josh Nathan and me (Fraser) worked very well together and we accomplished everything that was needed. The parts that people did were: Josh pictures and editing, Nathan script and part of research and me voice over and the other half of research. There where no problems with us getting there parts in for the project to be done on time. The only thing that could have made the stop motion  better was having more pictures and a little more time.

Establish: We established who was going to be doing what. We did that by finding everyone’s strengths and finding the job that fit them best.

Envision: We planned out when we would have time to  do everything so it would be finished on time.

Execute:  We started to figure out what the project was  going to look like and what materials we are going to use.

Examine: Everything went as planned we collaborated well together and no one had a problem with what there job was. It all  ran smoothly.



(PS: Sorry that it was a little late I thought I pressed Publish but I pressed Save Draft instead. I am extremely sorry for any inconvenience.)

Science Mutations

Muscular Dystrophy Disorder                                      By Fraser Olson


Hi! I am a disease called muscular dystrophy disorder. I basically break down the muscles in the body.  So here is my life as a disorder (Yes, I am a bad THING but that is fine with me.) Anyway here is my life.

I started out in a boy named Joseph. When he was conceived there was a deformed X chromosome. Boys are X Y and girls are X X so boys need a X chromosome and a Y chromosome and girls need two X chromosomes. So for boys if that one X chromosome is damaged then it is too bad. There is nothing you can do but for girls, if one is damaged, there is another X chromosome that can compensate for the damaged X chromosome.

So right now I am hiding in Joseph’s X chromosome and I will reveal myself when Joseph is 2 1/2years old. For now I just have to hide. I have a plan for when I come out of hiding and it goes like this.

You see there are proteins that hold up the cell membrane and if they are gone then the cell membrane will collapse. So, when I come out of hiding I will stop the portions from producing in the cell. When the protein isn’t produced then the cell wall will collapse and there will be holes in the membrane. That means that some proteins will escape right out of the hole in the cell membrane and calcium will come into the cell.  

It is now Joseph’s 3rd birthday and everyone is singing happy birthday. While they are sitting on the couch watching the birthday boy lie on the ground they seem to notice that he is having trouble sitting up.

They take him to the doctor.  The doctor does three tests.  First he removes a small amount of muscle tissue and examines it.  Then the doctor does an DNA genetic exam.  Finally he does a blood enzyme test.  Guess what!  They found me!

 Quickly his parents started to take Joseph for all of the treatment that he should be doing like physio therapy to keep his health up and try to maintain his muscles. ( They can try all they want but they cant fight me)

By the age of six Joseph has trouble walking and feels very awkward. By 7 years old Joseph can barely keep up with his friends when walking or running. He has a waddling gait. His calves look muscular but they really aren’t. They are mostly fat and fibroids.  

By 8 years old everyday life becomes difficult and Joseph can’t sit up without help and  can barely get up from a chair. It is extremely difficult to walk. By 10 years old Joseph can’t walk any more because most of the muscle on him has deteriorated. Halfway through the year of being 10 Joseph is diagnosed with scoliosis and has to have surgery done. By 14 it was extremely hard for Joseph to bring his hand to his mouth. Joseph also has to have a machine to help him breath at night called a bi pap. Josephs functions will continue to deteriorate most people with muscular dystrophy don’t live to their early twenties. Aren’t I the life of the party?