a) Describe your project. What did you do? How did you do it?
My group and I continued on maintaining Riverside’s main Instagram, where events and meetings happening or general info for student and/or staff to that they should know about, and often clubs, teachers, etc would send us what post they want the social media team (us) to make. Often we would make posts and stories about events we heard of and haven’t been requested yet to post, like intramural sports in the gym. For deciding on who is managing the instagram, each member is assigned a weekday of when their incharge of posting.
b) What problems did you run into? Were you able to solve these challenges? How did you solve these challenges? Is there anything you would do differently?
Getting people more people engaged to our Instagram page is the challenge the social media team always has, its one of the places where students and staff at the school to find school announcements other than the intranet. Originally, the social media team members had to find people and the information about events needed to make posts which can be hard and takes time, so this year in the beginning, we had an email account set-up so anyone can send the team the images and info for the post to make things easier. To increase more awareness about rapidevent, we took it a step further and create short newletters about expected events each week, and post about riverside students on the story, showing what cool or interesting activity their doing.
c) What did you learn? Were you able to learn new skills or strengthen previous ones?
I practiced more on graphic design, like what should I include in the post, making it eye catching, or what info I should place in.
d)Impact: How might your project positively impact the social and emotional well being of students/our school? What can be done to increase the impact of this idea on the school?
We as a team would continue to post school wide events, announcements and opportunities on Instagram to allow students and staff to have easy access and find what is happening throughout the week and beyond.
Desirability: What could you change to make your project more desirable to students, teachers, administrators, parents or the community?
Having a social media platform would allow for people who always check their Instagram or twitter to also see what is currently happen at their school.
Integratability: What would you change to make this idea easier to integrate into a school setting?
Create post about events, opportunities, sports, classes, and announcements happening in the school to ensure everyone is aware about it.
Feasability: Looking back what would you change, what would you keep?
Having to include more on the Instagram story about what students are doing in their classes and maybe their school related activities afterschool, so others can see what opportunities are available at riverside.