January 15

Space Wonder Project

Assuming there could be another universe, how was it or they created?

Out of many websites there was one most common theory, The Big Bang. Many people can to the partial conclusion that The Big bang which exploded, expanded and doubled the size of everything whilst creating atoms, protons and electrons. The particles from the explosion throughout time became seeds which turned into galaxies and galactic clusters. In different areas across the universe, or in multiverse, expansion continues due to big bang.  This Theory is that due to the continue of expansion, more and more is being created such as it did for our galaxy. Although, due to the speed of expansion, which is faster then the speed of light, we wouldn’t be able to cross over. Although this was the most common theory there are others that tiSee the source imagee into religions and beliefs.




https://youtu.be/DGZpTT4WVoI  -Video


November 15

week 10 blog post

this week i learnt about relations and functions.
I know that relations have many options and functions only have one.
if you are to find on a graph whether it’s a relation or function, a relations dots will have one on top of the other where are functions are the opposite.

Category: Math 10 | LEAVE A COMMENT
November 9

In the Woods

This creature is called a centipede, it forms the class of arthropods known as Chilopoda. The centipede has several adaptions to help them thrive including poison claws, numerous legs, and nocturnal. The forcipules are modified legs that are located behind the head. The forcipules operate as pinchers to grab their prey and inject them with venom. The venom passes from the glands into a tube in each of the legs. Their venom contains serotonin, histamines, and acetylcholine. A centipede can have anywhere from 15 – 177 legs, this helps them to travel fast. Having this many legs and being able to travel this rapidly makes it hard for its prey to see. They rely remotely on their antennae to sense their prey, they aid to locate food in the dark since their eyes are less effective. Centipedes live in damp sheltered places such as under rocks and logs, or cracks along walls. They are unable to survive where it is dry.


This plant is called the Bohemian Knotweed. Its native habitats are Japan, China, and parts of Korea and Taiwan. This plant was introduced to BC as an ornamental plant. This plant has flourished due to the dispersal of its rhizome fragments, stems and crown. This species is causing ecological harm because it can grow up 10 cm per day and is known to cause damage to building structures and substructures by targeting weak points such as cracks.
To control this species, digging or hand pulling will result in re-spouting. Cutting mowing grazing, and foliar herbicides can reduce top growth but repeated treatments are required for long-term control.