January 12

The Machine Stops


Make a change to the way you’re living

I created a propaganda poster with inspiration from the novella “The Machine Stops”. My propaganda poster communicates resistance against or counters the ideology/control of the Machine. I used three different techniques in the making of the propaganda, Plain folks, Bandwagon, and slippery slope. I applied these techniques in different ways such as using Plain folks in the main picture by describing Kuno wanting everyone to follow him to the surface. The words used to describe each side are an example of an idea leading to one direction. The technique Bandwagon was used in the text, by using the words “isolation” and “bright future” it gives a sense of advertisement to change who everyone follows, giving them a different perspective on the direction everyone was heading by “isolating” ourselves, showing how beautiful the future could be if we changed direction. Finally, the last technique, the slippery slope was used in the text as well as Bandwagon. The text demonstrates larger predictions of the future based on multiple facts, the prediction being complete isolation and dehumanization, or a bright future regenerating our world. I used colors to represent the emotions and attributes carried, as well as the human figure’s transformation from one side to another. On the “isolating” side there’s pink which represents power and luxury, as well as blue which demonstrates sadness and distance. On the “bright future” side there’s green which represents new, harmony, nature, love, and peace. I made the human figure change colors whilst crossing sides to represent the good change and outcome of a new perspective and direction.

(word count: 261)

Synthesis composition of The Mchine Stops and Wall-E

Evidence has shown that the past has written our future, or more so we have. Despite the fact that it was published in 1909, E.M Foster’s The Machine Stops continues to be a relevant piece of literature due to the way our lives are changing and submitting to technology. Submitting to technology has made us lethargic and dependent on the easy life technology has given us regardless of the consequences. The Machine Stops has a blend of satire, science fiction, irony, and dystopian characteristics that serve us as a warning sign in 2022. The dystopian characteristics include experiencing two different futures but having the power to choose and change. This novella is a science fiction short story, it explores the collapse of modernistic ideas and the effects of humanity’s progress. The movie Wall-E, produced by Andrew Stanton is represented by a dystopian society, Wall-E being a trash-collecting robot who was left cleaning up after humans. What considers it a dystopian society is the lack of taking care of the environment to where it becomes inhabitable, the pollution was so bad it forced all living organisms off the earth and transferred to another planet. The food they were given is also an example of dystopian characteristics, their food is categorized by liquid or the most convenient to consume. In the Machine Stops there any many similarities within dystopian characteristics, such as Kuno not being scared to go to the surface and wanting to live in a clean and brighter future, “this machine is much, but it is not everything” (Pg.2). In both the movie Wall-E and the book The Machine Stops humans were forced to evacuate the earth or go undergrown due to their ways of living off the technology, once they were removed from earth for so long they became worrisome and hesitant to go back to the environment they once destroyed. Kuno being a very explorative person, makes it nearly impossible for him not to go above the surface, he chooses to stay on the airship “because, any moment, something tremendous may happen” (Pg. 6), Wall-E is very similar, he stays to take care of earth it and all its beauty rather than abandoning it and running away from the problem at hand. Both characters want what’s best for the earth and are trying to communicate to the others that their way of thinking and caring for the earth is how we should have started our life’s journey on earth. The movie and book both portray the same if not similar Idea to the plot, “take care of our earth before its too late”. As humans have a place in this universe, if not otherwise, we need to appreciate that we were given such a beautiful land, not knowing what the options were. The Machine Stops and Wall-E both give a clear example of what will happen in the future, we will become nothing but slaves to technology and society, and those two things will be our only purposes in life.  We need to stop thinking for ourselves all the time and take a look at our surroundings and realize we are only 1 in billions. In the light of the spirit, take care of your earth before it is no longer, you never realize what you have until it’s gone.

(word count: 552)

December 11

Spoken word


Effects of Technology on Teens

Ask yourself this, when was the last time you solved a hard problem without assistance from google?

Probably a long time, right?

You see living in this world full of unconnected facts has started to affect us, we are starting to lose the ability to think critically.

Critical thinking is a big part of our daily functions,

to lose it, would mean we could be in a world full of blank-minded people who cannot function in a world without the buttons that tell us what to think.

We have the ability to observe, to react, and to make mindful decisions,

but in this world full of distractions:

TikTok, Snapchat, Netflix.

Has made it alter your critical thinking abilities, leaving most teens lost in making vital decisions.

Being able to make vital decisions does not only correlate with school,

it is very important for the outside world where there are no correct answers, no answer keys; we will have to solve them ourselves,

so, if we continue to depend on technology and not be aware we will be diminishing our basic brain functions.

Social Media is a drug.

giving us small dopamine hits each time we refresh any social media platform.

You see, the creators of these platforms added a feature of refreshing your page, giving the effect of a slot machine pulling down hoping you win, but realistically you never do.

This tactic causes us to want to continue scrolling, seeing new posts, “entertaining us”,

Although we all know we only use it as a distraction from the real world.

There are so many schemes behind social media and technology that we don’t see.

it’s all a money game. Our eyes are for sale.

We must strive to create a world full of critical-thinking minds and want to make this switch from using technology all day to 1 hour a day.

If you were to sit in a room full of people your age, would you interact with them in any way? Or would you have too much social anxiety, resorting to the comfort of your phone?

If so that’s a sign that you are losing your social abilities.

As teens who only know how to communicate over technology, we are not able to get out of our comfort zone and get to know one another.

Communicating is such a big part of living,

It’s humanizing, meeting new people, and learning who they are, but no,

we choose to sit at home scrolling, judging, and liking but where does that get you? Nowhere.

Do you really want to live like this?


An ongoing question we ask ourselves is “what is the meaning of life?”

honestly, I don’t think anyone in this world will ever have the answer to that question; ever.

That’s because we are evolving even further away from living.


Remember that time you promised yourself you would do that assignment, but you didn’t? what did you do instead?

Sat around doing anything but the work?

Do you think all the successful people in the world got to where they are without working hard?

No, they chose to make the change; and you should as well.


Knowing that technology would have the ability to take over, we continue to say all the same things,

“I doubt that would happen”,

“I’ll be long gone before then”,

“How do we fix it?”, only to do nothing about it.

We are to blame for technology even having a chance at taking over, it’s all on us.

We feed into the games of technology and social media aiding in an evolution of technology, disregarding any meaning to human life.

We are brainwashed by their algorithms.

So, to answer the question you’ve been wondering is “how do we stop this evolution?”.

Well, there are many ways to fix this, but you must be willing to put in the work and effort.

So, the real question you should ask is “are you ready to change, are you ready to take this step to help the generations to come?”.

The future is in our hands, we need to put the phones down and start learning and living.

November 14

Life Under Water

Paragorgia Arborea   (Bubble Gum Coral) 

Nov 2022, Ceramic and Acrylic Paint 

Marsch, Elora 


Bubble gum corals consist of individual tiny polyps that have eight tentacles and form colonies.  

Bubble gum coral is threatened by ocean warming, acidification, and destructive fishing practices.  

 We can solve this by reducing the plastic we put into the waste and reusing bottles/cans. Other solutions include protecting our forests and reducing the amount of fossil fuel usage. 

November 3

3D Art 10


So I started my tile by kneading out the clay and cutting out a square shape,  following that I painted underglaze over the top of the tile and carved in my design,  I struggled using the tools to do so, it was difficult because I was not 100% sure what the outcome would have waited a few days for it to be bisqued.



this week I was going to continue my tile only to find it EXPLODED in the kiln along with other people’s tiles. Mine exploded because I didn’t remove all of the air bubbles initially. So now I restart.



This week I restarted and finished my tile for the second time and everything turned out great although I tried a new design that would attach to my partner’s tile better.


This week I started my coil pot, so far I don’t have many struggles despite my pickiness and perfectionism, but I am managing. I began by kneading my clay and then carving out a circle with a container, now all I am doing is building up the pot by adding different designs.


Image previewImage preview

This week I finished and painted my pot with underglaze, my front opening of the pot snapped in half so then I had to reattach it with wet clay. Thankfully after being bisque it did not explode or break any further.


This week I started by glazing my pot to be fired. For the rest of this week, I will be starting the project “life below the water” by doing research on a specific sea creature and looking up ways they are dangered and how they can be saved.

WEEK 7: Entry to “Life Under Water”

Image result for bubblegum coralImage result for bubblegum coralImage result for bubblegum coral

Bubble gum coral is threatened by ocean warming, acidification, and destructive fishing practices.  

 We can solve this by reducing the amount of plastic we put into the waste and reusing bottles/cans. Other solutions include protecting our forests and reducing the amount of fossil fuel usage. 


This week I started my below-the-water project and I chose bubble gum coral. I started by creating the rock shape by molding it over newspaper and built on the rest from there.


This week I added more coral pieces and added more details around the main visual. I ended up not bisquing it (it completely slipped my mind) and continued to paint and glaze it. the colors didn’t fully come out how I wanted them to and I think the whole thing looks weird mostly because I forgot to bisque it but overall it isn’t too bad considering it is an endangered species so I’m sure there’s some bubblegum coral out there that looks a bit deformed like mine.

WEEK 1o:

This week I started one of hopefully multiple inquiry projects, I created a small bowl with trees and wind blowing away leaves in the air.

WEEK 11-17:

These past 6 weeks I have been working on my animal mask, I chose a fox. I started by cutting out the mold of the mask, cutting out eye holes, and bending the mold to my face to fit. I then began to work on the nose cutting out pieces of cardboard and tapping them together, attaching them to the mask with tape. Working on the ears I cut the shape out and glued them to the top of the head symmetrically, to add some realism, I added a small line of newspaper around the outside of the ears, creating a pop-out effect; I did the same for over the eyes as eyebrows. To add an effect of fur on the outside of the mask I cut out small-large triangle pieces and taped them in order going up the face from small to large. I then painted my mask with different colors, including different shapes of brown, pink, and black. Finally, I added a small strip of fur to the top and back of the head, making it show over the top of the head, and glued a black ribbon to each side to tie around the face.

WEEK 18:

This week I work on another inquiry, I made an incense holder. I started by kneading clay and rolling it out, popping all of the air bubbles. I then molded the clay into this bowl-like shape and poked a hole using a needle to place the incense stick. I painted it light blue and put it in the kiln to be fired, once that was done I carved a floral design in the middle of the bowl and painted glaze overtop to be bisque fired.